Recent content by HenOnAJuneBug

  1. HenOnAJuneBug

    Sharing what I've learned about Covid-19

    I'm not really interested in the vaccines, but feel free to post it here if you like.
  2. HenOnAJuneBug

    Sharing what I've learned about Covid-19

    OK, I get your point. It is kind of counter-intuitive that an anti-parasitic drug would be effective against a viral disease. But apparently it does have efficacy. Dr. Borody became interested in it after reading about a successful trial with it somewhere in Asia. I'll try to dig that up if...
  3. HenOnAJuneBug

    Sharing what I've learned about Covid-19

    I'm starting this thread to share what I've learned about Covid-19, learn from others and hopefully get discussions started that can give folks information to stay healthy, and hope and courage to overcome all of the fear. I've been following this thing every day since the videos started...
  4. HenOnAJuneBug

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    The virus is real and a threat, but the issue is how much. Not equally to everyone per CDC data.
  5. HenOnAJuneBug

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Terribly. It was my mother. Thank you for bringing that back.
  6. HenOnAJuneBug

    From tool shed to Coop?

    The circular opening is a tunnel that connects the two metal sheds. It is open on both ends so the chickens can go back and forth. I used a 55-gal plastic barrel with both ends cut out.
  7. HenOnAJuneBug

    How long to imprint new coop and location?

    I snagged #24. All safe. That means I can move their old coop now.
  8. HenOnAJuneBug

    How long to imprint new coop and location?

    I only lasted a week. Today I set them loose because i just can't stand to see them cooped up. They are so alive when they're out free ranging. But it worked out well. I lured 23 of 24 into their run with evening feed. So yay! The one laggard must not be feeling well or something. I bet when it...
  9. HenOnAJuneBug

    How long to imprint new coop and location?

    I did try leading them with scrambled egg, but it's so far (about 300') they lost interest.
  10. HenOnAJuneBug

    How long to imprint new coop and location?

    I'll get some pictures when I reach an oasis. Under the gun now to get things finished. Getting close, at least with the coop and first run. Have two more runs to add and move another coop and run. Will be a real chicken complex.
  11. HenOnAJuneBug

    How long to imprint new coop and location?

    I think what I'll do when I let them out again is give them their evening dinner inside their new run. That way I'll be able to capture about 80% of them, and if the others go down to the old coop it won't be so much work hauling them to the new coop. That's how I originally transferred them...
  12. HenOnAJuneBug

    How long to imprint new coop and location?

    Yes they have a very nice covered run. They seem to love the roost. I made it multi-level with 5 levels. They seem to like the coop too because a number of them hang out inside during the day. Yes they lay, and production is a little down, I suppose because of the stress, but they are laying in...
  13. HenOnAJuneBug

    How long to imprint new coop and location?

    They've been in the old one for several years. I intend to move that coop, which is really just a metal shed, but am a bit reluctant to do so until they are all conditioned to return to their new coop, because being able to trap them in the old coop is the only way I have to catch them.
  14. HenOnAJuneBug

    How long to imprint new coop and location?

    It's a modified Woods type coop. I took an old 8x10 wooden shed I have and expanded it to 8x15. The front has a huge opening about 3x5, plus open gables, so I'm pretty confident there's enough ventilation. Plus they have a 18x20 covered run made from an old metal carport that's very...
  15. HenOnAJuneBug

    How long to imprint new coop and location?

    I moved my 24 free ranging chickens to a new coop and left them locked up for 2 days and 3 nights. I figured that would be long enough for them to know that was their new home, but no. I let them out today, and towards evening they all headed to the old coop about 100 yds away. I removed the...
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