Recent content by Harris14

  1. H

    Turkey stumbling, falling backwards

    Did you ever figure out what was wrong with her?
  2. H

    Did cows kill my birds?

    Thinking back the only symptom I seen was stumbling when walking. They would start to stumble then 24 hrs, dead. No coughing. No sneezing. No pus or drainage. One had green runny poop before it passed. This is driving me nuts on what it could’ve been. The rainy weather? The cows? I’m racking my...
  3. H

    Did cows kill my birds?

    I can’t necropsy. The birds all died and not here anymore. The poults cage was right next to the fence. I have at least 75 chickens. They are all fine. The poults were doing great. Then just started dying. One every 2 days until all were dead. They were raised here. No new birds were introduced...
  4. H

    Did cows kill my birds?

    Could the poults have died of pneumonia? They were thriving and doing so good. They would fluff up and eating and drinking good. Then the neighbors cows came up close to the fence line right behind were the poults were and they were sick. The cows had brown runny stuff from there nose, Breathing...
  5. H

    Eggs didn’t hatch

    They were barnyard mixed. The oldest hen is 3 the youngest a year old. The weather is going from hot to cool. Raining almost every day.
  6. H

    Eggs didn’t hatch

    I had eggs in the incubator, candled them after a week all looked good. 3 of my hens went broody so I put around 10 eggs under each hen. It’s been way over hatch time so I pulled the eggs this morning and it looks like the babies died in the eggs after putting them under the hens. Only 2 eggs...
  7. H

    Poults failing

    I thought they would have blood in there stool
  8. H

    Poults failing

    They have all died but 1 and it seems to be flourishing. I don’t understand it. Disheartening to say the least.
  9. H

    Poults failing

    We had 8 poults that were ready to go outside. All were flourishing and growing. Now they have started dying one by one. Like 2 days apart. We are down to 3. No symptoms. None. They are fine. Eating and drinking. Making there noises. Poop looks normal. Then go down there next morning and it’s...
  10. H

    Should be hatched already

    All other eggs hatched. Just the one hasn’t.
  11. H

    Should be hatched already

    Yes still alive. I can see it moving but it hasn’t pipped through the sack for air.
  12. H

    Should be hatched already

    I should say it’s a small hole just big enough to see if the baby in the egg is moving and it is.
  13. H

    Should be hatched already

    I put eggs in April 16th. All have hatched and out with a broody hen. One egg left. I cracked it and the baby is still alive. Why hasn’t it hatched? It’s way overdue.
  14. H

    Turkey poult dying please help

    Thanks everyone. All the poults have passed. I have never seen bumble in a baby. They seemed to have a hard time breathing. Like fluid was in there lungs. I felt so bad for those babies. It made me angry that they suffered like they did.
  15. H

    Turkey poult dying please help

    The 3rd poult is doing what the first two did before they died. I’m so frustrated. Idk what to do. I’ve given them la200, vitamins and probiotics in the water, I’ve even checked for mites. These babies hasn’t been here but a few days and each night one dies. They were doing ok today and seemed ok.
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