Recent content by Hannahnic14

  1. Hannahnic14

    How much to pay someone to hatch goose eggs for me?

    Hi! So I have a friend that has been hatching goose eggs for me. (Sebastopol) and I have been offering her to keep a gosling from each hatch. I want to keep the next 2 hatches so how much should I offer to pay her? She's been amazing! She even does the whole taking them out and misting/cooling...
  2. Hannahnic14

    Is this a ok pip?

    Yep, totally normal as long as it isnt excessive. Just blood from the blood vessels in the egg. Congrats!!
  3. Hannahnic14

    Review by 'Hannahnic14' in article 'Chicken Behavior The Ignorant Gal's Guide To Things No Sane Person Would Tell You About Chickens'

    I laughed so hard!!😂 Especially since I too, Google alot of these things as a new chicken owner. Lol
  4. Hannahnic14

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 01-13-23 Pic by Overo Mare

    Human, this is humiliating...
  5. Hannahnic14

    Light Brahma croosed with an ameraucana

    *Edit for better pic* If it helps, I crossed my Ayam Cemani rooster (cream colored egg gene) with my Easter Egger (blue egg layer) and the offspring is a solid black, puffy cheeked, little spit fire that lays brilliant blue eggs! I think some hatcherys market them as "fibro-eggers"
  6. Hannahnic14

    Chick getting fat!!

    Not fat at all, just growing!😊 She looks very normal for her age. They can grow super fast when you don't see them everyday. Kinda like when you don't notice your partner has lost weight because you see them everyday and the lose is gradual, where as you see a friend after a few months and the...
  7. Hannahnic14

    Serama breeding plans 2023!

    Thank you!
  8. Hannahnic14

    Serama breeding plans 2023!

    Thanks! I'll probably just separate out my blue/black/splash and leave the others. I may not separate at all🤷‍♀️
  9. Hannahnic14

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    A little late for a "chickmas tree" ladies. Lol
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