Recent content by gypsylady32

  1. gypsylady32

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    I wanted old-fashioned names for my girls. So I have Mattie, Millie, Metta, and Mitzi. The names have special meaning to me. Mattie was an elderly lady that I cared for…she meant a lot to me. Millie was the name of my husband’s grandmother. Metta means loving kindness, and Mitzi was my...
  2. gypsylady32

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    I’ve seen my hens catch and eat frogs! It was highly disturbing!
  3. gypsylady32

    Comment by 'gypsylady32' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    :thumbsup Great post!!! Thanks for putting all that together for us!
  4. gypsylady32

    Comment by 'gypsylady32' in article 'My $10 Inexpensive DIY Fodder Tower with Dollar Tree Dish Bins'

    LOVE it!! I have sprouted seeds before for my girls but wow! You take it to a whole new level! Thank you so much for doing all that work in figuring out the best of everything and then writing it out for us!! :thumbsup
  5. gypsylady32

    Do you have a way to "call" your flock to you?

    Shaking a bag of mealworms. They even know the bag before I shake it. My husband calls it "chicken crack" :lau
  6. gypsylady32

    What breed is your favorite in your flock?

    I love my barred Plymouth rocks. They are very friendly with me. They are my favorite so far. My sapphire gems are sex linked and I’ve already had one die before she was a year old. They are very skittish but good layers. I’d not get the gems breed again.
  7. gypsylady32

    Bleeding leg

    Thank you very much. I really appreciate that.
  8. gypsylady32

    Bleeding leg

    Thank you for that. It means a lot. 💕
  9. gypsylady32

    I want ONE breed...DUMB???

    I have always loved Barred Plymouth Rocks. I had wanted them for years and finally got 2. Then I got 2 Sapphire Gems and I wish I had stuck with the barred rocks. I did a lot of research, and the rocks are just a great fit for me. I love my two gems, but they are very different. More...
  10. gypsylady32

    Advice needed on one to one, or two, integration.

    When I integrated my younger hens with my older ones, I had them close to each other so they could see each other, but not touch, for a couple weeks. I think the dog crate inside the run would work. I also used the technique of putting the new girls in the coop with the older girls during the...
  11. gypsylady32

    Bleeding leg

    I did all I could for her leg, but Mercy passed away. I think she had a heat stroke. I found her laying peacefully in a corner. It didn't look like the other hens had been picking on her or that she had a struggle. It looked like she just fell over and was gone. I had just seen her a few hours...
  12. gypsylady32

    How much do you pay for feed??

    Here in Tennessee, I guess it isn't as bad as other places. I pay $20 for 50 lbs of 16% protien layer pellets. I buy the higher end brand Dumor instead of the store brand. I've been happy with it. My hens like it and are healthy.
  13. gypsylady32

    Bleeding leg

    I'll do that. Thanks for the advice. She seems to be doing ok. No limping, still eating and drinking, ect. I"ll double check my run and coop for pointy things.
  14. gypsylady32

    Bleeding leg

    I'm going to get my son to help me rinse off the wound. Right now it's too messy to tell and it's up in the feathers. I'm not sure why one of the other hens would peck her on the leg (seems like an inconvenient spot), but I couldn't rule it out. I'll order some of the Pick-no-more and hopefully...
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