Recent content by guinea19

  1. G

    Guinea Feathers Look Pecked Out

    No, I have not place to tie her up. The coop is not big, my husband hasn't had a chance to extend it for them. My mom told me last night it could be mites and the other guineas may be picking at the mites on big guinea. I'm going to get some powders today and try that.
  2. G

    Guinea Feathers Look Pecked Out

    I have some guinea fowl locked up. I can't turn them out because my dog kills them. I have one adult guinea and its a male and eight juvenile guineas. The adult male guinea is the boss. I've noticed the past couple of days, my adult guinea is missing feathers in one spot on his back. I was...
  3. G

    Chickens have Cocci....Corid not working

    I feed a mix of laying crumbles and scratches. Treats are spinach and grass.
  4. G

    Chickens have Cocci....Corid not working

    Thank you for posting this here for me.
  5. G

    *GRAPHIC* Any idea what could have done this to one of my hens?

    We have had coons and foxes get our chickens, but never seen anything like this. I am so sorry. Do you think it could of been a weasel or a mink?
  6. G

    Chickens have Cocci....Corid not working

    Hello! I have two chickens that have cocci. Both hens are less than 6 months old. I lost a guinea fowl keet to this a few months ago. I didn't know what it was at the time and by the time I figured it out, I lost my keet. My chickens have been healthy other than just that one guinea keet...
  7. G

    Guinea Keet has clear liquid poop

    The guinea died last night. After reading other threads on this forum, I think the guinea had coccidiosis.
  8. G

    Guinea Keet has clear liquid poop

    I have an almost 4 week old guinea keet and it's poop is clear liquid with just a little bit of poop in it. It has not grown well either. The other keets have grown well with not problems. I took the little guinea and put with some small chicks. This has helped some; however, the guinea keet...
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