Recent content by gscritters

  1. gscritters

    advice please eggs in incubator

    First I want to say thank you so much, My paper work with my incubator says not to go over 65% so I have stayed around 64% temps have been stedy I started the count the day after I got them, I put the eggs in a egg carton for 24 hrs after they shipped to me then in the incubator at 345 so I...
  2. gscritters

    advice please eggs in incubator

    Advice please, I have 3 eggs in the incubator, on the 19th and 20th day 1 egg was moving all over, late on the 20th it stopped, one other egg moved a little bit then nothing, now on the 23rd day it has started moving all over again, should i do something? What if it cant get out, I dont want to...
  3. gscritters

    I need some advice if somebody can help me please, i have some eggs in the incubator, we are on...

    I need some advice if somebody can help me please, i have some eggs in the incubator, we are on the 23rd day, on day 19 and 20 i had i egg moving all over, late on yhe 20th it stopped, one of the others moved a lilttle bit, no hatching, now the main one has started moving again. should i do...
  4. gscritters

    Penedesenca and Empordanesa hatching eggs...

    Do you still have hatching eggs, Im very interested, I would love to have just a couple hens but thats so hard to find so im willing to go with eggs 6, please let me know as soon as you can thank you gina email [email protected]
  5. gscritters

    Blue Andalusian breeders

    Im looking for a few (3) Blue Andalusian chicks, if you raise them, please contact me, My daughter fell in love with the breed. I bought one when i bought several other breeds from dirty tony, on the way to pick it up dirty tony says well it the Blue Andalusian didn't make it. Which was strange...
  6. gscritters

    Hi, Im not sure if I have the right person, do you breed blue andulsions? I have looked all over...

    Hi, Im not sure if I have the right person, do you breed blue andulsions? I have looked all over our area and nobody has them here in Indiana. Pleases let me know if I have the right person. thank you. gina
  7. gscritters

    Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

    Hi, sorry to bother you again but I was looking for your list of available babies, and prices. thank you
  8. gscritters

    You guys are so awesome here are some more male or female

    also what is a good age to try to figure out the sex of silkies?
  9. gscritters

    You guys are so awesome here are some more male or female

    Thank you and what is a good age to try to figure out? I am new at this an every single time I get chicks Im told they are hens at least half or more turn out to be roos.
  10. gscritters

    Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

    do you have black copper marans? or blue copper marans ? How much for 2 olive eggers and 2 copper marans chicks female if possible to tell shipped to Indiana
  11. gscritters

    You guys are so awesome here are some more male or female

    I had put some chickens on here not long ago and you all were so kind to give me your opinions on which sex they were, well now I have acquired some babies and was hoping you would be willing to help me out again? this could also be a good test for your brains as well, lol. one is a rhode island...
  12. gscritters

    Help please on male or female

    you all are so awesome thank you for opinions
  13. gscritters

    Help please on male or female

    I have 3 ameraucana chickens, they are 7 months old 1 has been laying for a month, the other 2 aren't but they aren't crowing either they aren't showing signs of which way to go, I would love your guesses and opinions please. Thank you
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