Recent content by grnidone

  1. grnidone

    This doesn’t seem like Bumblefoot

    I’m at a loss as to what to do. My Rooster doesn’t like to stand and will often lay down. These are his feet. I’ve scraped down the black spots that seemed like bumbles, but under the scabs is soft tissue (not hard bumbles. Do I need to keep digging or is this something else?
  2. grnidone

    Gapeworm treatment — Ivermectin on back for how many days?

    I have one hen with pretty bad Gapeworm. I treated with spot on Ivermectin at 1 drop per 50 grams. She needed 36 drops because she was just under 1800 grams. (I weighed her with my handy dandy sourdough scale.) Do I just give her the Ivermectin once? Or do I need to do it every day? I read...
  3. grnidone

    Notre Dame Puts Golden Rooster atop of their rebuilt Cathedral in Paris

    I think we can all agree that a golden rooster atop the cathedral is a great choice!
  4. grnidone

    Livestock Guardian dog eats eggs

    I got Fernando -- Great Pyranees -- as a pup to guard my chickens from coyotes and vermin. He's less than a year old, and so we're working through issues. He has discovered that chickens lay eggs and eggs are delicious. He hears the egg song and joyously runs over to the nesting box, and has...
  5. grnidone

    Is this a Bantam Barred Rock?

    So I got some chicks the last week of October. One of them is much smaller than the rest. She is the one on the right. She seems healthy, and isn’t picked on. Could she be a bantam? Or does she look unhealthy to you?
  6. grnidone

    Oyster shell is available, but getting soft egg

    I have one hen that is consistently laying eggs with thin/ soft shells. Do I make them all eat a tums to get the one who needs calcium? I have roosters so do not want to feed later feed. What can I do?
  7. grnidone

    PSA: Secure your bachelor flocks so this doesn’t happen....

    Friendly reminder: it’s spring and the boys are feeling their wild oats. Make sure your bachelor coops are SECURE so you won’t be covered in blood when one of them gets out and challenges your head Roo to a duel. My boys are OK, other than some bleeding combs, but I feel really stupid for...
  8. grnidone

    Warm winter hats for Roosters

    I’m sorry, I just saw this post. Temps here are up and down, and I only employ these when the weather is really cold, windy and wet. I usually keep them on for a week and then give them a break. It’s been really dry this year, so they haven’t worn them as long as they usually do. I am...
  9. grnidone

    Warm winter hats for Roosters

    NO. If it isn’t red, the others peck at it because it looks foreign. Also, they fight to get it off if it is not red.
  10. grnidone

    Warm winter hats for Roosters

    For about 20 seconds, they fiddle with it and shake their heads. But after that,they forget it’s on. Ive learned if I use any other color than red, they hate it and the hens will peck at it. So, the color actually matters. A gentle tug and the adhesive comes off.
  11. grnidone

    Warm winter hats for Roosters

    I only leave them on when it is brutal. (Wind chill factor in teens or when it is wet and cold.) Usually, no more than a week, then I check them, wash the hats and reapply if necessary.
  12. grnidone

    Warm winter hats for Roosters

    Ok. Look at the last photo of the hats. On the bottom edge you see part of the hat that isn’t a finished edge? (Left bottom of hat.) That is the opening. You feed the back of the comb up through to the end of the hat. The opening is where the comb joins the head. I put a drop of liquid bandage...
  13. grnidone

    Warm winter hats for Roosters

    I made my roosters winter hats. Yes. I can already hear it. “They don’t need hats or heat, I live at the South Pole and my chickens live with penguins and never need heat or hats. I’m doing this for me. It makes me feel better when their heads are warm. Also. It makes me laugh. (I’m mostly...
  14. grnidone

    How far from the hens does the bachelor flock need to be?

    My bachelors get along well but are driving my hens crazy. They were all hatched together, and now the boys are big enough to have their own space. The one question I can’t find the answer to is how far away from my hens do my bachelors need to be? I can easily block the hens from sight. But...
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