Recent content by greenriver

  1. greenriver

    Grapeland Tx.

    Hi BYC. I have moved quite a bit professionally but have semi-retired here in East Texas. Raising RRs for eggs and pullets for sale along with plans for forest raised pork on 25 acres.
  2. greenriver

    Hens not all starting to lay at the same time

    They have been confined to the coop and small run until just a week ago. As you suggest I will close the gate for a few days. Early egg laying is not a big deal for me, I just was wondering if a 6 week difference was normal. I didn't expect them to lay all at once but I have yet to get a normal...
  3. greenriver

    Hens not all starting to lay at the same time

    Hello BYC. Been a while since I had chickens and quite a while since I have posted here. I have 15 Ideal RR hens hatched March 24th. I got my first little egg July 31st at 18 weeks and a few days. The next week I got 6 eggs then none for 4 days. Since then they have laid anywhere from 2 to 5...
  4. greenriver


  5. greenriver

    Back after several year hiatus

    Back after several year hiatus
  6. greenriver

    (Video) Mealworms are a great snack for new chicks

    Yes,I just cover them with a towel for darkness. That is oatmeal, cheap, wally world oatmeal. AllI have ever tried but I think I will try the chick starter, Thanks for the idea,
  7. greenriver

    (Video) Mealworms are a great snack for new chicks

    I went to U-tube to learn what I needed and got my start from my local Petco.
  8. greenriver

    (Video) Mealworms are a great snack for new chicks

    LOL. What do you suppose they eat when a broody hen shows her chicks around the barnyard? They are chickens and I agree they need a balanced diet but these mealworms fill the protien side nicely.
  9. greenriver

    (Video) Mealworms are a great snack for new chicks

    Mealworms are a nutritious meal for the brand new chicks, after a few days old they know the drill.
  10. greenriver

    Did anyone else set eggs today on Valentine's Day?

    I set about 30 barred rock, did not count exactly. Was supposed to set on Monday but had to work late. I will get a count when I turn again.
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