Recent content by greenback

  1. greenback

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    omg thank you <3 it’s an amazing way to remember them :love
  2. greenback

    laying hen unable to walk / standing on one foot. help needed!

    Thanks for the help! Did the epsom soak and was able to squeeze some pus out. I wrapped it with some medical tape n stuff, but is there a good antibiotic I can use? Specifically if there’s one that’s not exclusively to chickens/animals. Would bacitracin help?
  3. greenback

    laying hen unable to walk / standing on one foot. help needed!

    have her in a dark enclosed space with plenty of food and water
  4. greenback

    laying hen unable to walk / standing on one foot. help needed!

    @Eggcessive Noticed a small cut, unsure if it’s even a cut. No green bruises or swelling. Could not detect any broken bones. The middle pad of her foot is bulbous and hard, compared to the other one that is squishy and soft. Any ideas? Is it nerve damage like @LaFleche pointed out? Should I...
  5. greenback

    laying hen unable to walk / standing on one foot. help needed!

    Not dislocated, I think, as she can move her toes. I’ll double check if it’s broken. Vet may not be an option as it’s quite expensive unfortunately
  6. greenback

    laying hen unable to walk / standing on one foot. help needed!

    I do believe it’s an injury, not a disease like Marek’s. This is the first time she’s gotten injured or sick.
  7. greenback

    laying hen unable to walk / standing on one foot. help needed!

    Hey everyone! I went out this morning (~ 6:45) before work to check on the ladies, they all looked healthy. I came back home (~9:00) and was told that she was injured. Apparently she got her foot stuck in a board? There’s a video - Anyways, we rescued her, but she will only stand on her...
  8. greenback

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Haha! She’s really fluffy and is a leghorn silkie mix 🤣
  9. greenback

    pov : a silkie leghorn mix…sitting on 7 chicks

    pov : a silkie leghorn mix…sitting on 7 chicks
  10. greenback

    need chick help asap! lethargic, dying off by one 😭

    @realsis Thank you! I think the place that we got them was bad. Got new chicks from a different place and they already look wayyy healthier than the other ones :)
  11. greenback

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    these were my two chicks, pippa (pip) and Estelle !
  12. greenback

    need chick help asap! lethargic, dying off by one 😭

    So the two new ones are in a brooder right now, they have been eating. The other one that is with mama is also eating. They are eating medicated chick feed. I think that mama smothered the tiny chick with the straddle leg but otherwise idk :hmm
  13. greenback

    need chick help asap! lethargic, dying off by one 😭

    the Americana died :( but the two other chicks drank some yolk water
  14. greenback

    Question about a broody hen being moved...

    Yup! I have my broody hen in a dog crate with her chicks, maybe that might work for you?
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