Recent content by Grecia

  1. Grecia

    Kicking Chicken

    Yes, it does seem to be getting better each day. I stopped at the farm store and they do carry the Terramycin, should I need it, only $22 for a small tube. Other stores in this area charge about $28. I think I'll put saline drops in her eye again today and soak her feet in warm Epsom water as...
  2. Grecia

    Is this a Welsummer in the video?

    I just got a little good news. I was able to find the owner of the chicken in the video online, and she wrote back to me: "Hi there. That’s me! Unfortunately I can’t shed any light as to the cause. I did trim her spurs as some suggested, and it made no difference. She is now elderly (outlived...
  3. Grecia

    Newbie Here with Chicken Issue

    Thanks for the warm welcome and helpful advice, Everyone. My girl's eye is looking much better. I just got a little good news. I was able to find the owner of the chicken in the video online, and she wrote back to me: "Hi there. That’s me! Unfortunately I can’t shed any light as to the cause...
  4. Grecia

    Kicking Chicken

    Horse Girl Abby, I just got a little good news. I was able to find the owner of the chicken in the video online, and she wrote back to me: "Hi there. That’s me! Unfortunately I can’t shed any light as to the cause. I did trim her spurs as some suggested, and it made no difference. She is now...
  5. Grecia

    Is this a Welsummer in the video?

    Thanks for the info, Camimo77. Interesting. I am going to look more closely for lice on her behind, as one woman suggested that. To have gotten fly strike, she would have needed to have had an open wound; right? For the flies to lay their eggs in? Or do they lay them anywhere? Are...
  6. Grecia

    Is this a Welsummer in the video?

    My girl has been doing this constantly for some time now but there doesn't seem to be irritation on either foot. I wonder whether it could be arthritis, as she's older (5). First she shakes one foot backwards, and then she shakes the other foot backwards, just like in this video:
  7. Grecia

    Is this a Welsummer in the video?

    Hello, I have a Welsummer chicken who looks like the one in this video (she is featured in my profile picture), and who is the same age, and who has been exhibiting the same backward kicking behavior as this one for over a month. I am wondering whether this is a behavior the Welsummers exhibit...
  8. Grecia

    Kicking Chicken

    I put saline solution in her eye today. It is looking better. Wondering whether to use the terramycin or not.
  9. Grecia

    Kicking Chicken

    I planted a lot of prickly pear cacti around their run last summer, to ward off raccoons. I wondered whether she might have stepped on the thorns, but the other chickens don't have a problem with them, so I wouldn't think that could have caused the kicking-- and it's not likely she would have...
  10. Grecia

    Kicking Chicken

    No, Horse Lady, I did not do anything to her eye. From a distance it looked better than it actually does. She has it open, but not all the way, but it's a big improvement over last night. Also, I just went out to check, and she's up on the roost right next to her buddy, Goldie, so that is a...
  11. Grecia

    Newbie Here with Chicken Issue

    Praise God! I went out to check on her just now and her left eye has cleared up and is wide open. So weird! But I'm very glad.
  12. Grecia

    Kicking Chicken

    Here left eye has amazingly cleared up! It's wide open and looks great now. Weird! I think your idea of me posting in the Emergency Forum is excellent. I can post this video to show how she walks. The hen in it looks just like her and is the same age. I wish the poster could see my posts...
  13. Grecia

    Newbie Here with Chicken Issue

    Thanks for the pus-removing video, Dobie. I don't think I could do that. Watching it made me faint. I wonder whether I could find another chicken lover in the area I could hire?
  14. Grecia

    Newbie Here with Chicken Issue

    She walks just like the chicken in this video:
  15. Grecia

    Newbie Here with Chicken Issue

    I wonder whether she could have been pecked in the eye?
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