Recent content by greatergraceoffbg

  1. greatergraceoffbg

    Icelandic Chickens

    Any one feel like making a list of all these awesome Icelandic names and their meanings?
  2. greatergraceoffbg

    Icelandic Chickens

    Mike I stumbled upon this post.... Im looking at importing some eggs and wanted to know if you might have any advice sir? Im planning a trip to Iceland in the summer!Andy White
  3. greatergraceoffbg

    Antique Incubator

    I have one that is the same, and i use it as a Coffee Table in a Bed and Breakfast. Sure would love to see it working but I'm just not that creative to repair or inovatively adapt it....
  4. greatergraceoffbg

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Can anyone tell me the best place to get the large Buff Orpingtons? We got some from a hatchery but were moe like leg horns in size and build. I used to have Buff orpingtons twice this size and heavier... Thanks..
  5. greatergraceoffbg

    Anyone's Cotton Patch Geese laying?

    There were NOT orange feet and bills. They were exclusively pink. The Pilgrim Geese, totally unrelated had the orange. People have mixed them to sell because everyone breeding has waiting lists and at 50.00 per bird in a dead economy thats a small fortune.
  6. greatergraceoffbg

    Icelandic Chickens

    Hi ya'll, I haven't been on in a while, but when I got on today and was looking at the new format, found our beloved Icelandics rated at 44th and only a couple of reviews! I though you all might want to jump on that quick and boost the ratings on our favorite fowl! Andy from Fredericksburg
  7. greatergraceoffbg

    Review by '' on item 'Icelandic or Viking Hen'

    I bought my first eggs from Lyle Behl. I still have three roosters and one hen from that first hatch. I have since hatched and given away dozens. You will find a great Icelandic group on here and they are very generous in helping you get eggs and chicks. The array of color, the odd stiff legged...
  8. greatergraceoffbg

    Review by '' on item 'Marans'

    My next door neighbor had white Marans when I was a child. These birds were much cleaner than our Leghorns, they thrived in the muddy pasture and often hatched chicks. I got interested a few decades back and have every color in the book. They are just plain fun. If there wasn't so much out...
  9. greatergraceoffbg

    Review by '' on item 'Leghorn'

    Leghorns are in my memory the primary small farm egg laying chicken. We had a hundred leghorns, and a few dozen bantams for hatching eggs, and a scattered few assorted other breeds just for fun. There was no waste when I was young and it was an event when we would get new chickens and butcher...
  10. greatergraceoffbg

    Icelandic Chickens

    This year we are averaging a coon or opposum a day in the live trap_____where do they all come from? * Yup got and given so many hens away, no lack here.... only that difficulty in getting attached gets in my way of letting go of more. Of course now most are younger, but springs hens are all...
  11. greatergraceoffbg

    Icelandic Chickens

    Another great thing about Icelandics.....I've been hatching and distributing till I am burned out my incubator, have two hens setting that hatch, two more setting about three weeks later and suddenly I go from 7 Icelandics to 27 in about 5 weeks ....and am able to bless someone else...
  12. greatergraceoffbg

    Icelandic Chickens

    The picture I spoke of... The baby Cardinals is my Avatar pic or Profile pic! Andyfromfbg
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