Recent content by Grateful Dad

  1. Grateful Dad

    Comment by 'Grateful Dad' in article 'How To Prevent Dirty Eggs in the Chicken Coop'

    My hens didn't roost, every night id put one or two on the roosts , some would pile in the corner as some started to like roosting. I think 14 of the 18 roost at night, but for these 2 fatties. One likes the nest box.
  2. Grateful Dad

    My henhouse

    Hi, We have a friend who needed to re-home her hens, so we said yes. She gave us 18 hens a run and a coop, which was far too small. We spent under $300 building this house. We had some recycled 2x4 pine. I'm terrible at making posts but I wanted to show you can build a henhouse for a few hundred...
  3. Grateful Dad

    Diagnosis please.

    Her tail has been pointed down also. I'll try to get the answers to your questions
  4. Grateful Dad

    Diagnosis please.

    This girl seems to have good spirits, eats, though I have not seen her drink. Lays down most days. Has a bit of a limp when walking, lethargic compared to the others. Checks include looking for injury, odd smells, bugs, some vent proctology. The right foot had long nails and seems weak. She...
  5. Grateful Dad

    behavioral changes

    And now someone ( Snowball) just layed an egg on the hill....wth?
  6. Grateful Dad

    behavioral changes

    Seems to be some sudden changes in behavior. #1 the death of one hen..not really a behavior pattern to post on there.. #2 they stopped using the nest box for some reason, now all lay in the corner on the other side of the hen house #3 I was just outside and saw 2 of the hens had this big frog...
  7. Grateful Dad

    Urgent Please Help. Dieing chickens and we have no reason for it! Please. any help.

    I had the same happen 2 days ago, went to the coop and there lay Marshmallow face down in the hay...vent was clear, she was a nice fat hen. There was no sign of distress that I noticed the days before, they free range most of the day, but the run is a little rank. RIP Marshmallow.
  8. Grateful Dad

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    4 yesterday from 5 girls, they have 2 nest boxes, but only one time have I seen an egg in the other side, they all prefer the left side...hmmm curious
  9. Grateful Dad

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    mine are 10 months old , the last few weeks i been getting 3-5 eggs a day from 5 hens. Today i got 5. We just have the hens for eggs and educational purposes for the kids. but they are stacking up now!, I have 3 dozen in the fridge, so I need to start giving them to the neighbors..lucky them!
  10. Grateful Dad

    Today's temperature = # of eggs.

    Massachusetts -3 ....0/5 so far. was 1/5 yesterday and 3/5 the day before, I have all Orpingtons and the cold doesnt seem to bother them at all. I used the heat lamp once when it was -9 .
  11. Grateful Dad

    Cold col, what is too cold

    its gonna be 21 here tonight in central Massachusetts..I have a 40 watt bulb inside a half cinder block with the water on top to keep it from freezing, other than that I switched to hay instead of wood chips for the winter so they can get down and nest if they want, if a sparrow can survive all...
  12. Grateful Dad

    Road Hen,on tour with Marco Benevento
  13. Grateful Dad

    The Have You Ever Game!

    nope hye danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
  14. Grateful Dad

    Quail Eggs?

    man if you can eat duck eggs, turkey eggs, chicken eggs, turtle eggs, I say go for it... also google is your friend
  15. Grateful Dad

    First Egg Countdown

    only 3 of my 5 hens are laying...I also got mine in April..
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