Recent content by Granny23

  1. Granny23

    What to look for? Could this be a problem?

    My 3 year old Barred rock hen is broody. But usually if I take her egg or eggs she leaves the nest. Today she seems a little off after I removed her egg, or what I believe is her egg because of color, so I took her off the nest and put her on the ground in the coop. She walked off to where the...
  2. Granny23

    Solved What photo won the prize for moulting in Dec 2023?

    I missed it!! I submitted a picture of Cookie my barred rock. But I missed what chicken won. Where is the winners picture??? Thanks!!
  3. Granny23

    Do you Clean out poop from the run?

    I live in San Bernardino County close to the Cajon Pass. It get toasty here but it really isnt desert. This is my 2nd time putting sand just in their roosting coop. After winter and any rain I may hate it.
  4. Granny23

    Do you Clean out poop from the run?

    I live in a residential neighborhood. I have an enclosure like this attached to my original smaller coop. It has a dirt floor while I use sand in my small one. I only have 5 hens.
  5. Granny23

    Do you Clean out poop from the run?

    I use play sand in 50lb bags for my small coop. I scoop my 4x8ft coop floor periodically because I only have 5 hens. For larger coops it may not be ideal.
  6. Granny23

    Do you Clean out poop from the run?

    My coop is 4ft × 8ft and fully enclosed. They sleep in it or walk through it to get to another part of my yard. Ive tried a few different things. The dirt floor it was built on, fluffy small animal shavings, (we get the Santa Ana winds. OMG what a nightmare that was!) the mulchy wood stuff you...
  7. Granny23

    Do you Clean out poop from the run?

    I scoop mine out every 2,3 months. I do rake it every so often but it boggles my mind how fast they mess it up!!! With only 5 hens it becomes a LOT pretty quick. Ive tried just the dirt, pine? shavings (that blows EVERYWHERE), leftover garden mulch,HATED that (too hard on MY feet) and finally...
  8. Granny23

    Oyster shell vs egg shell

    I have oyster available all the time and some hens eat it regularly. When I use our eggs I save the shells and crush them in my hands and toss them out to the girls. Some days they eat them all other days not so much. I only have 5 hens.
  9. Granny23

    Ended Post Your Best (Worst) Chicken Molt Pictures - 2023

    It reminded me of a Indian headdress honestly. Cookies humiliation was evident. 😂
  10. Granny23

    Ended Post Your Best (Worst) Chicken Molt Pictures - 2023

    It is probably one of my favorite pictures of lil miss Cookie.
  11. Granny23

    Ended It’s GIVEAWAY time for your chance to win a spread of Manna Pro’s Farmhouse Favorites Poultry Treats | Available NOW at Walmart!

    Miss Mildred would love some treats. She chases the Japanese beetles around our yard and once in a great while she gets one!
  12. Granny23

    Treating bumblefoot

    Here is what Pennys foot looks like today. The balls on top of her toes look way smaller but the pad of her foot looks puffy. This is before I tried to reopen it. The wound has closed so I tried to reopen it but got nothing. It is soft and pliable bot hard or fat like its full of pus. But its...
  13. Granny23

    Treating bumblefoot

    I will get pictures when I change her bandage. I had read this article and followed it pretty closely. I will lance those if it looks necessary. A very small amount of pus did come out when I pulled/lifted the scab off and then I pressed and massaged but got no more. The tiny hemostats were...
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