Recent content by GoldenSparrow

  1. GoldenSparrow

    New Member from Arkansas

    Welcome to the Flock! :)
  2. GoldenSparrow

    Twin chicken development

    So sorry :(
  3. GoldenSparrow


    Hope you enjoy the forum! I'm from MA
  4. GoldenSparrow

    Two roosters in need of home, Philly Pa area

    He is beautiful, wish I was closer to ya. I wish you luck finding a home :)
  5. GoldenSparrow

    Twin chicken development

    This is so exciting! Cant wait to hear how it goes. Have any hatched yet?
  6. GoldenSparrow

    What's The "Smartest" Thing You've Seen a Chicken Do?

    Haha this is a great thread! Love it!
  7. GoldenSparrow

    Mystery Vermin

    wow that's strange is there any marks on the chicken?
  8. GoldenSparrow


    Very beautiful! love the whit one. Currently don't have a roo, but hoping to have some soon
  9. GoldenSparrow

    Hello all :-)

    Raising Chickens is a blast! Welcome to BYC :)
  10. GoldenSparrow

    I know there's tons of new members but just wanted to introduce myself!

    That sounds like a great flock! Welcome to BYC from MA :)
  11. GoldenSparrow

    Molting or problem

    That's not molting, she looks like she is being picked on. Poor girl.
  12. GoldenSparrow

    Hey y'all

    Hey Gray! Welcome to the flock BYC is great!
  13. GoldenSparrow

    Nice to be here.

    Hey Steve! Welcome to the group :)
  14. GoldenSparrow

    What do we have here?!?

    looks like a pullet to me :)
  15. GoldenSparrow

    ENDED - WINNER ANNOUNCED - Official BYC Caption Contest - 12/28/2015 - pic by memphis

    Henrietta always had thick ankles... but no one ever noticed!
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