Recent content by godshall

  1. G


    Hello all. We are the Godshall’s of Montco PA. New chicken family and really enjoying making their life special. My new favorite sentence? “The chickens always win!” Glad to meet you. Colleen G
  2. G

    looking for a rooster

    If you might be interested, we have two Easter Egger Roos that are best friends. Any chance you could take both? I hate to separate them
  3. G

    looking for a rooster

    I have two Easter Egger Roosters that we are planning to butcher only because we don’t know what to do with them. It breaks my heart to do this to them. The one is very sweet and would be wonderful for you. He is 4 months old now. He has about 18 hours to live so write back soon. Colleen...
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