Recent content by gobblecluck

  1. gobblecluck

    nipple water

    Quote: HI the1honeycomb, right after I installed the chicken nipples I sat outside my coop with a skinny stick and tapped at the nipple while getting the birds' attention. Water would drip out and they'd go for it (I first deprived them of water for 2 hours). They learned within an hour or...
  2. gobblecluck

    Another failed hatch - anyone have some good advice?

    well the guy i got my turkeys from was using a sportsman cabinet bator and i built one just like it so i could have one so i could breed turkeys. this guy was hatching about 30 eggs a week all spring and summer. i went over there one day to get a look at his bator for some measurements and he...
  3. gobblecluck

    BR hen - Mythological Creature

    you have a hen. the waddles on my six br hens are the same size as the ones on yours. i dont have any with waddles and combs as small as the ones in the pic above all of yours. and yes it is normal for them to have the irridescent green feathers, all of mine do. as a sidenote i hope that roo is...
  4. gobblecluck

    What's the deal on Eastern Wild Turkeys

    i live in alabama and wanted some easterns so i went to the co op in talladega and they ordered them for me through ideal i think. the reason i did that is i only wanted five and they compile a list of people who want turkeys and order them all together so you dont have to buy like 15 or...
  5. gobblecluck

    What do you use for feeders/waterers?

    i use nipples and love them. they are not like a baby nipple. they are essentially a red piece of plastic (chickens are attracted to red and will naturally peck at it which is why plastic feeders and waterers have red bases) about a half inch in diameter and 3/4 inch long with a stainless steel...
  6. gobblecluck

    keeping algae out of water

    i am about to build a watering system with a 55 gallon plastic drum, with a pvc manifold that has five hoses, each one of these hoses is going to be connected to a five gallon bucket with two poultry nipples in the bottom of it and each of my coops will have one of these buckets in it. since the...
  7. gobblecluck

    Wasted Feed

    i use gravity feeders and i have thought about putting some two inch hole fencing over where the food is so they can only put their head straight in and eat. i think this will alleviate them putting their beak in the food and raking sideways and spilling all of their food out.
  8. gobblecluck

    Deal of the day!!

    save some seeds and plant your own. then the melons are really cheap. my chickens eat cantaloupes every day
  9. gobblecluck

    How old is too old to eat turkey?

    i hunt turkeys and i wont even kill a 1 year old wild turkey because it doesnt have nearly as much meat as a two to three year old . i have eaten three year old wild turkeys with no added toughness compared to a one year old jake, but on the other hand on wild turkeys all i eat is the breast. i...
  10. gobblecluck

    Can you ride an ostrich?

    my cousin worked at dixie stampede in gatlinburg tennessee. its a dinner show where they ride horses and things of that nature, but back to the story she was an ostrich rider there before she upgraded to riding the horses in the show.
  11. gobblecluck


    i am in talladega i have 3 white rock hens, 6 barred rock hens, one barred rock rooster , one rir rooster, one light brahma hen that hates me, 6 standard bronze turkeys, and 5 eastern wild poults in the brooder. i have two standard bronze toms that i bought hoping they were hens. one is 15 weeks...
  12. gobblecluck

    2 standard bronze toms pick up only talladega alabama

    i have two standard bronze gobblers one about eight weeks one about 15 weeks old. bought them hoping for hens. maybe you have your own hens and need a gobbler. 20.00 each 205-296-7466
  13. gobblecluck

    what breed is she? i'm confused

    your tom appears to be an eastern wild
  14. gobblecluck

    Decatur, Alabama Anyone?

    we have tons of bantams. they should start laying again shortly. we have hatched about 50 this year. and all of the hens have just got over being broody. we are in talladega
  15. gobblecluck

    vent sexing turkey poults. HELP PLEASE!!!

    i know in a prior post steve of s and s mentions that he can vent sex turkeys. could you do us all a favor and tell us in depth how to do it. and some up close pics of you doing it would be awesome. i know you are looking for a shiny bump in a male and no bump in a female. i have tried looking...
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