Recent content by Glenmar

  1. Glenmar

    Horse boarding questions

    Check with zoning and home owners insurance too. What would happen if someone were to get hurt on the property. Or if the horses were to get out and cause damage.
  2. Glenmar

    broody turkey hen question

    Hard to say. My turkey hen does a few trial runs of sitting before sitting for good. Her eggs always turn out fine. If she hatches the guinea eggs, she probably will not sit on her eggs anymore. When I see mine start doing her trial runs, I make sure she is alone in her coop with just her eggs.
  3. Glenmar

    pot belly pig

    I get my food from tractor supply. Make sure it says MINI PIG food. Measure it out. Mine as an adult gets about 2 cups a day.
  4. Glenmar

    turkeys setting their own eggs

    I have a Narragansett trio too. I have 1 hen that has hatched the eggs two years in a row now. She just started sitting the other day on her third hatch. The other hen that I have never sits, so I think it just depends on the bird.
  5. Glenmar

    Swan needs home

    I called about her. I would love to have her.
  6. Glenmar

    Friendly Rooster?

    I have had some bad ones. Right now I have a few very good ones. Never even looked at me funny. I rally think its genetic. I have raised some Marans from a rooster that I know was friendly and all his offspring that I have kept have been friendly. Find out what their fathers were like.
  7. Glenmar

    White Holland Turkey

  8. Glenmar

    broody hen

    My hen just hatched some today. I'm in Virginia, it gets really hot here. No problems.
  9. Glenmar

    The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    Well Guys, I'm out. From 18 eggs only 1 was fertile and growing. These are young birds, so maybe they just need more time. I replaced them with 5 turkey eggs today so we'll see..... Good luck with your hatches and HAPPY EASTER everyone.
  10. Glenmar

    Turkey hen is laying, now I have a question

    I have my turkey trio in a 12 x 12 horse stall that I have made predator proof. I have 2 truck tires with hay in them, which worked great for next boxes last year. One of my girls hatched 11 poults last year. This year she is laying eggs in a built in corner horse feeder that is about 4 feet...
  11. Glenmar

    The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    My official count is 19 Blue/ Black/Splash Orpingtons.
  12. Glenmar

    The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I have to work too. I'm setting mine a little early. I hate working Saturdays in the spring.
  13. Glenmar

    The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I have about 20 Orpington eggs. Started up the incubator this evening. Good luck everyone!!!!
  14. Glenmar

    Late Eggs

    Once, I thought my hatch was finished. I cleaned out my incubator. I had a small plastic bag on the patio with shells and a couple unhatched eggs. A few hours later I happened to go out there and heard peeping. An egg had hatched on the patio. It was not even pipped when I cleaned out the...
  15. Glenmar

    The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I'm in. I have Blue, Black and Blue Splash Orpingtons that just started laying. And a second flock of Blue and Blue Splash Marans. Come on EASTER. I can't wait for SPRING. It's been a LONG winter.
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