Recent content by girlsaint

  1. girlsaint

    Alex Loomer Kingston, Nova Scotia Petition

    A man in my local area has been told that he must get rid of his flock of 5 pet chickens. He lives on 30 acres of land. The chooks ride around on his shoulders and are very much a part of their lives. He will not be able to easily relocate the birds because of the 5, 4 of them are roosters. I...
  2. girlsaint

    Best joke

    So this baby seal walks into a bar... and says "I'll have a Canadian Club." Badomdomp.
  3. girlsaint

    Here Kitty Kitty

    It is a Bobcat, and running for the .22 can be a way of life when you have a farm to run. The farm help ran and grabbed the rifle while he and the cat stared each other down I was panicky when I went in to check and see which of my girls he got. My Yokohamas... untouched...
  4. girlsaint

    Here Kitty Kitty

    Here's the kicker... the world works in mysterious ways. My daughter... who is not 11 yet... normally would have gone in to that barn. She has her tonsils and adenoids out yesterday, so hubby was doing her chores for her. I do not think she would have been so savvy as to look UP when the...
  5. girlsaint

    Here Kitty Kitty

    Killed 2 of my chickens. I hope they were good. Hubby did not give him a chance to attack my daughter or the rest of the birds.
  6. girlsaint

    White yokohama from Cackle Hatchery

    Attempt to post a pic of my Yokos..... Edited to add Yay it worked! Mine were chicks from Performance Poultry in Ontario last May...
  7. girlsaint

    White yokohama from Cackle Hatchery

    He is beautiful!!! Do you have to give his tail any special care to keep it so white?
  8. girlsaint

    Layer feed WITHOUT soy??? Where???

    I came here to see if there had been any discussion about the Weston A Price foundation backing efforts to change anti-chicken city ordinances. Found this article, and I am glad I did. I stopped drinking soy milk awhile back when I heard that the soy industry knows as much now about the toxins...
  9. girlsaint

    Saints VS Vikings!

    Dirty Rice and Dirty Football...... What City? Can you say "Late hit?"" the refs were blind, my team could not hang on to the football, simple as that. I just don't see it as the best team having won the game. That being said, I am going to have to root for the Saints now. Nice to see the...
  10. girlsaint

    well the cold got my silkie

    Feed them cracked corn. It raises their internal temp. We have had below freezing temperatures for a couple of weeks and my Silkies are fine. They are in a barn, lots of bedding, no heat lamp...
  11. girlsaint

    Eastern Wild and Ridley Bronze sexing lessons....whew!

    Sexing turkeys is soooo confusing! I bought some Ridley Bronze turkeys last spring, and have enjoyed watching them grow. Mid July last year, I bought a couple of Eastern Wild turkeys and they have been all together and quite a cozy little flock. I realized recently that all of the birds looked...
  12. girlsaint

    Good brown egg laying chicken

    Quote: If you look up they have Yokohamas and are located in Ontario. That is where I got mine. I have an extra White Yoko Roo, but I am in Nova Scotia, I had them flown in last spring.
  13. girlsaint

    sold a tom , need some info

    This is funny. I just bought a Tom from someone in Waterville.... I came here for info on introducing him to the rest of the birds He caused quite a stir, and my Guinea (Who thinks he is a turkey) attacked him. He is in a separate enclosure until they get accustomed to each other. I am sorry to...
  14. girlsaint

    heater in coop?

    A single heat lamp hung in the coop to be turned on when it seems really cold should be enough for heat. I live in Canada, and our temperatures can get colder than that for long periods.I hung mine over a community nest box so that my 3 little Frizzles would stay warm. (One is a frazzle and the...
  15. girlsaint

    What does your username mean?

    Mine is a username I use in a few forums. I ride with a motorcycle club called "Saints and Sinners" but they do not accept female members. I came up with Girlsaint because Girls aint allowed to join lol. Then I became the girlsaint just because it was a slam to the guys...even people outside the...
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