Recent content by GimmeDaEggs

  1. G

    Possible egg bound unsure of diagnosis

    Really not much change. Seems pretty baseline behavior although clearly still doesn't want to jump. I think the mass is growing so mostly suspect it's a tumor or malignancy. She's definitely not laying and around here that's a requirement (for chickens). I'll necropsy in about a week and post...
  2. G

    Possible egg bound unsure of diagnosis

    I thought maybe the stimulation of the exam could help with passage but looking at your diagram I am now guessing this isn't a egg bound chicken. The mass would be dorsal or immediately cranial to the vent and everything I've read suggests the egg should be readily apparent with examination...
  3. G

    Possible egg bound unsure of diagnosis

    Yes palpable maybe 2cm ventral (towards chest) to the vent. Feels large and firm enough to be an egg. Definitely not far enough anterior to be the gizzard. Internal laying is an interesting idea but I wouldn't expect it to represent a large firm palpable mass in that case. If she doesn't lay...
  4. G

    Possible egg bound unsure of diagnosis

    Hen is a 2.5 yr old RIR. Excellent layer and good body weight at baseline. About a week ago she tried to sleep in the egg box would not jump up to roost, then wouldn't jump up into coop (elevated coop, don't use a ladder). These are never issues for her. Isolated her and she's not laying...
  5. G

    Automated Coop Design

    I do appreciate the input. After slaughter this year I'll be down to 9 chickens and then 8 the year after so they'll have more room. We're overproducing eggs a bit right now so don't need so many. The chickens don't occupy the whole roost and 5 of them are pretty small because they're leghorns...
  6. G

    Automated Coop Design

    Um yes. 6 feet equals 1.8 meters.
  7. G

    Automated Coop Design

    Hanging wire deters them from trying to nest or roost on the poop board. Black rubber strips remind them to roost and poop in the right direction.
  8. G

    Automated Coop Design

    Not by any accident. I reviewed the production guide for Novogen whites to help design this system. We try to make it the most humane and pleasant chicken factory conditions possible!
  9. G

    Automated Coop Design

    Located in the Willamette Valley. Very cloudy and overcast, 45° latitude. I haven't really noticed a regular molt schedule (aside from one synchronized molt event). We get 4-5 birds each year and only lay them for 2 two years before slaughter as they're dual purpose birds for us. I think...
  10. G

    Automated Coop Design

    Credit to this video for the feeder design. I can't tell you how much better it is than any feeder based on round pvc. Easier to anchor, fill and larger capacity for ultimately the same space requirements. Also absolutely 100% no mess/waste because they actually eat inside the feeder. Our...
  11. G

    Automated Coop Design

    When they roost they all sit adjacent and leave empty space at one end of the roost. They could spread out if they wanted but look pretty cozy. Both the upper floor and lower floor of the coop are available to them at all times so that's 21sqft up top and 24 sqft below. The automated door only...
  12. G

    Automated Coop Design

    I would strongly encourage you to just plan to fill by hose. If you elevate the tank and get close to the full 55 gallon capacity it will probably only need to be refilled every 4-6 months. My flock of 10 goes about 2-4 months depending on the season. This will cut down on contamination...
  13. G

    Automated Coop Design

    The coop was actually designed with this in mind initially. After filling it with the hose and realizing I only need to fill it every 3 to 6 months or so very glad that I did not do this. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is spread by droppings of wild birds and migratory waterfowl that...
  14. G

    Automated Coop Design

    1/2" plywood base, the rails on the sides are maple baseboard trim. Painted with a blend of thick exterior grade paint. It slides out on a roller made out on a piece of steel tubing.
  15. G

    New in town

    Thank you! Added my first post over in the "Coop" subforum. Very proud of my work! Check it out.
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