Recent content by GerbilsOnToast

  1. GerbilsOnToast

    Caponized roo personality

    i'm still try'na find that person doing two week olds that the write-ups talk about... egad! I cannot imagine how one would manage the spreaders on a cockerel that size - but perhaps the CornishX are considerably bigger at two weeks... No, I wouldn't even consider it with 'love bird'. Nor...
  2. GerbilsOnToast

    Caponized roo personality

    You appear to be technically correct - *In the USA*, there is only one commercial producer. However, most of what you are exposed to at your grocer is not from the USA. With the repeal of COOL, one never knows where it came from.
  3. GerbilsOnToast

    Caponized roo personality

    Primarily Freedom Rangers, but I also do the excess roos from my Dorking and FBCM pens (we all know how popular excess roos are ;). This at least gives them a longer and better life than they'd otherwise have.)
  4. GerbilsOnToast

    Caponized roo personality

    What a frustrating post to read...:barnie I do caponizing. At home. Not for pets, for producing meat. The outcome of EVERY life - is death. Eventually. Nothing anyone does or does not do is going to change that. With a little bit of experience, the odds of a cockerel bleeding out are about...
  5. GerbilsOnToast

    What Breed(s) Do You Wish You Had?

    I'm glad I read this thread; made me realize how lucky I am. The only bird(s) I want and don't have, I can accept that I will never have. Those would be Mute Swans. I have the place for them - but I also have coyotes and foxes, so it would be foolish (as well as horribly expensive!) This...
  6. GerbilsOnToast

    Turkey underside

    See if she likes pumpkin; it's high in fiber and my turkeys like it.
  7. GerbilsOnToast

    ~ 5th Annual Cinco de Mayo Hatchathon! ~

    Calling my hatch a close - I have **SEVEN** bouncy baby Dorkings! Pics this evening.
  8. GerbilsOnToast

    ~ 5th Annual Cinco de Mayo Hatchathon! ~

    Awww... that's sweet!
  9. GerbilsOnToast

    ~ 5th Annual Cinco de Mayo Hatchathon! ~

    Thanks! There are two more (external) pips in Dorking eggs late this morning, so I'm thinking there *might* still be more. No time to sit and stare at them now - one of the cows had twins this morning, so now I've got a bottle baby on my hands. Coincidentally, year-before-last's bottle baby...
  10. GerbilsOnToast


    I should not have typed those words... karma heard me - #813 had twins this morning. Colostum is thawing.
  11. GerbilsOnToast

    ~ 5th Annual Cinco de Mayo Hatchathon! ~

    ...make that FOUR Dorkings...
  12. GerbilsOnToast


    Bottle baby?
  13. GerbilsOnToast

    ~ 5th Annual Cinco de Mayo Hatchathon! ~

    Thanks, and my condolences on yours . I'm happy that I have already hatched a small batch of turkeys, and I have 97 more in the 'build' incubator. (2 different sets) Hens are just thinking about going broody, so there will still be plenty of turkeys. The Dorkings are shipped eggs - and very...
  14. GerbilsOnToast

    ~ 5th Annual Cinco de Mayo Hatchathon! ~

    Because I can convince myself I see movement where there is none, I water candled last night. Alll but two turkeys failed, as well as two of the Dorkings. Being unable to give up on some things, I moved those into the LG & filled the wells.... One Dorking is currently unzipped, the rest are...
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