Recent content by Georgiahome622

  1. Georgiahome622

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi! I have a story for you. Around a year ago, I made the decision to keep my chickens in their coop permanently. They had been free ranging during the day without issue and suddenly a hawk discovered them. I lost 5 in a month. I hated to do it, but the rest of the flock - 11- are safe ...
  2. Georgiahome622

    Fed up with the freeloaders!

    Please help me figure this out! I have 13 hens. 10 are 2 years and 9 months, 3 are about 18 months. I was feeding them Purina layer crumbles, and then switched 3-4 months ago to Kalmbach 16% protein, then upped to 17% protein last month. I have quit giving all treats except for a bit of...
  3. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    I watched a video on how to empty it. She vomited a TON of nastiness. She ate some egg and yogurt and has been drinking a lot. I don't think she's had much of anything for 2 days, so I hope she didn't over do it. She still looks rough, so I'm hoping tomorrow is better!
  4. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    Unfortunately not. The local vets won't treat a chicken.
  5. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    Thank you. As an update this morning, she seems worse. She is refusing to drink. I tried giving her some electrolytes by syringe, even just a tiny bit and she vomits it. In fact, she vomits every time I pick her up, even if very gently. It is watery and brownish. It smells funky. I checked her...
  6. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    They eat Purina layer feed and have oyster shell supplement. While I appreciate the nutrition advice the rest of the flock is healthy and has hard shelled eggs. I will give her calcium because there is some reason she continues to lay weak shells and an Epsom salts bath.
  7. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    All of the other hens have super hard shells. And really they don’t have scratch always, but definitely daily. I keep them closed up in the morning to ensure they are eating their feed first. Also she is one of the middle to top of the pecking order, so isn’t lacking. I don’t think it’s her...
  8. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    She just pooped. It’s mostly white, and very watery.
  9. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    She has free access to seeds and scratch and feed, as well as whatever else she scratches up during the day. Is there something wrong with that diet? Also, I looked up "keel" and i can feel it, she feels thin to me.
  10. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    1. She is 2. 2. She doesn't seem interested in drinking. I found her sitting alone kind of hunched over in the run, not near food or water. 3. I just checked and there is a wet spot on the towel under her which could be poop, but not sure. I would think probably it is. So likely very watery...
  11. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    Sorry for the double reply. I was trying to get everyone and think I duplicated.
  12. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    I’m not sure when she last layed because I have 3 like her in a mixed flock. One of them lays very thin shelled eggs, so maybe her? I don’t know what a keel is. I suppose an egg could have broken inside her?
  13. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    I’m not sure. I have 3 Isa browns in a mixed flock of 15, so not sure which is laying. One of them has been laying eggs with super thin shells - so thin either they break in the box or when I pick them up. Maybe it’s her? That has been going on for a while now, I’ve just now noticed she is sick...
  14. Georgiahome622

    Droopy hen - help please

    Hi, I went out to check my flock and one of my girls is ailing. Droopy comb, droopy tail and is drooling. I scrambled an egg for her but she doesn’t seem interested. Her crop is a little boggy, not firm. She also feels light weight. Any ideas on how to help her? The rest of the girls seem fine...
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