Recent content by Georgia Chickens

  1. Georgia Chickens

    Please help identifying "Penny"

    I am certain she is probably a mutt
  2. Georgia Chickens

    Please help identifying "Penny"

    This is my laced wi g wyndote
  3. Georgia Chickens

    Please help identifying "Penny"

    Thought that but she looks nothing like my other one
  4. Georgia Chickens

    Please help identifying "Penny"

    A swap meet at local feed store
  5. Georgia Chickens

    Mean hen

    How long to quarantine new birds? Husband brought 6 new ones & put them in lg dog crates (connected) but put them in same area as our other 4. That didn't last. Have been outside the (4 chicken's) area. But 3 of the 4 can get out & keep catching them outside dog crates, checking out new...
  6. Georgia Chickens

    how much Calcium Citrate D3 should I give

    She's going downhill fast! Stopped eating anything. Even her fav, blueberries. She cannot stand on her own. She's very weak. Cannot keep her eyes open for long. Her poo/wee quite smelly. Thinking it's the wee though. Barely any poo, but expected when not eating. Shuffling around a lot. If she...
  7. Georgia Chickens

    Emergency. Hen hanging her head down

    She's going downhill fast! Stopped eating anything. Even her fav, blueberries. She cannot stand on her own. She's very weak. Cannot keep her eyes open for long. Her poo/wee quite smelly. Thinking it's the wee though. Barely any poo, but expected when not eating.
  8. Georgia Chickens

    how much Calcium Citrate D3 should I give

    What is best way to get sick, lethargic chicken to take that huge pill? Will they swallow whole? When put into mouth, should it be placed in a particular area so as to not go down wrong hole? Does one need to hold beak closed? Should it be crushed in water and given in eye~dropper? Needless to...
  9. Georgia Chickens

    Lethargic hen! Help!!

    Do you have a local vet (who’s studied “avian”), nearby who could check her out? I will include your fid in my prayers. Symptoms sounds familiar to a couple of my hens. I lost them, due to being egg bound. NOT saying yours are! (fingers crossed) I felt helpless not having someone around, a local...
  10. Georgia Chickens

    Hen has lost the use of her leg

    Praying your feathered baby gets better. Having a bit of same issue. 5-6 y/o Sapphire Gem. Hasn’t laid since July ‘23 (severe snake scare?) Thought eggbound, due to dirty~bottom, lethargic, barely able to walk, laying down while foraging, w/head and tail drooping down. Her appetite is good &...
  11. Georgia Chickens

    Emergency. Hen hanging her head down

    Praying your feathered baby gets better. Having a bit of same issue. 5-6 y/o Sapphire Gem. Hasn’t laid since July ‘23 (severe snake scare?) Thought eggbound, due to dirty~bottom, lethargic, barely able to walk, laying down while foraging, w/head and tail drooping. Her appetite is good &...
  12. Georgia Chickens

    Versions of "chick chairs" PLEASE!

    Also would very much like to see pic of your handiwork.
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