Recent content by Genipher

  1. Genipher

    Meat duck eatin' question

    Just wondering if, when it's time for our meat ducks to go to that Great Pond in the Sky, can we eat it the day we've processed it or does it HAVE to set in the fridge for a day or 2?
  2. Genipher

    Meat duck eatin' question

    Just wondering if, when it's time for our meat ducks to go to that Great Pond in the Sky, can we eat one the same day we've processed it or does it HAVE to set in the fridge for a day or 2?
  3. Genipher

    Muscovy eating eggs

    About 1/2 cup for the 5 of them to share. Didn't realize it was bad for them. :oops: Will the oyster shells stop the egg eating or is it a bad habit now? 😬
  4. Genipher

    Muscovy eating eggs

    I have 4 hens and a drake. All less than a year old. Gals laid eggs...started off with 10 in the nest. Then one of the hens decided to set. She was doing great for 3 days and then today I noticed she's off the nest and we're down to 2 eggs! Found some shells that looked like they'd been pecked...
  5. Genipher

    ADVICE PLEASE! My 9 month long Muscovy has been laying eggs for an entire month!

    Oh, have you seen the sticky on hatching out Muscovies? Maybe that thread will help? ETA: nevermind. I see you've been there. lol. I wonder, do you have any broody chickens that might like to hatch out some...
  6. Genipher

    ADVICE PLEASE! My 9 month long Muscovy has been laying eggs for an entire month!

    Yup, the clutch will be fine until she decides to settle in and brood. Though if she's not laying in a nest she might not be ready to brood yet. Mine were laying all over the place (even found eggs in their pool. lol) for the first few months and then my main gal became serious and made a nest...
  7. Genipher

    My first ducklings are here!

    Ah, I see. I must not have noticed since I was buying more than 2. lol. Love the names! Our last ducks were named after cartoon duck characters (Daisy, Darkwing). Can't wait to see what the kids come up with this time around.
  8. Genipher

    ADVICE PLEASE! My 9 month long Muscovy has been laying eggs for an entire month!

    I might be saying something you already know, if so I apologize. I had Muscovies a few years ago and my gal would lay an egg a day and leave them until she had as many as she wanted to set on, she'd get to actual brooding. Until she decided to sit on them, they were okay. They don't start...
  9. Genipher

    My first ducklings are here!

    I just ordered Muscovy ducklings from Free shipping on all orders. I ordered from them 2-ish years ago and all the ducklings were healthy and made it through shipment great. I'd totally recommend them.
  10. Genipher

    Should I worry?

    Oh, I didn't realize that could be done. I already tossed her in the garbage.
  11. Genipher

    Should I worry?

    I've noticed, while scrapping chicken poo off the shelf every morning, that one of my ladies had runny, white-ish poo. One day it sorta looked like a bit of red in the poo. Couldn't figure out which hen was having the issue so I just....let it go. Well, today one of my Buff's suddenly died. She...
  12. Genipher

    Would you say something?

    Thanks, y'all, for the advice. I appreciate y'all!
  13. Genipher

    Would you say something?

    That's basically what it's going to sound like, "You're a terrible chicken owner." sigh
  14. Genipher

    Would you say something?

    Well, not a "close" friend. More like an acquaintance from church. We had a good chat when the birds got dropped off but I'm not sure how this person would take it if I said anything. Don't think she would get angry, really, but might be embarrassed. She is in a situation where she's going to...
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