Recent content by garp94

  1. garp94

    Looking for reliable way to purchase an assortment of chick eggs

    I second the Craigslist search[ what I've done], with maybe Facebook marketplace as another possibility. You'll get a much higher hatch rate if you buy eggs locally over having them shipped.
  2. garp94

    Production Red’s Gender Identity

    What did they end up being??
  3. garp94

    Chicken Necropsy Question

    Dissect along her neck/cervical spine to see if there is a fracture or dislocation. The ruptured yolk may be from the trauma that broke her neck. Are you in an area with avian flu?
  4. garp94

    Barred rock hen and white rooster had a barred chick

    What sex did the chick end up being?
  5. garp94

    Momma hen pushed new chick out?

    oops, reading too fast
  6. garp94

    Momma hen pushed new chick out?

    I would put her under the broody hen tonight. I'm far from an expert, but 2 weeks is a big enough of a difference in age I think this one would get picked on a lot and not do well.
  7. garp94

    Blue out of Leghorn/sex link crosses

    Did you ever figure out where the blue came from? Or hatch more blues?
  8. garp94

    Holy massive egg

    WOW I wonder how many yolks are inside. Please let us know
  9. garp94

    Review by 'garp94' in article 'Aart's Hoop Coop / Chicken Tractor'

    wonderful job. and thank you for all the technical details
  10. garp94

    Centrarchid Is Retiring From This Site

    Good- Bye and Bee Well [ from a beekeeper, not a spelling mistake]. I didn't yet read all of your posts, but have enjoyed the ones i have. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insights. I hope life gets better for you and your family.
  11. garp94

    Butchering and processing 2 year olds

    I keep the skin, even with old birds for chicken soup. There's so much flavor and collagen in the skin. But to each his own.
  12. garp94

    Can my turkey rest in a brine? for the period of rest time after slaughter?

    With that clarification, i will admit i don't use that much salt in my brine
  13. garp94

    Can my turkey rest in a brine? for the period of rest time after slaughter?

    I've done that with chicken in the past with good results.
  14. garp94

    A "what got my chicken" question

    did you ever find out what the predator was???
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