Recent content by Gargoyle

  1. Gargoyle

    Broody Prairie Bluebell ?

    Old thread, but... we have two Prairie Bluebells, one year old. One never goes broody. The other one lays up a storm for a four or five weeks and then goes hard core broody. She's on her fourth round of that routine now. If I try to hard to break her of it, she sulks and won't start laying for a...
  2. Gargoyle

    What breed is she? Perhaps Australorp?

    She started laying beautiful blue eggs. Prairie Bluebell she is.
  3. Gargoyle

    Flystrike - Check Those Vents In This Heat

    We had superb results by spraying cold water on them with a large syringe. The worms fled, the eggs were flushed right out. You don't want to soak your chicken in cold water, that's a shock, but a small directed spray of cold water shocks the worms and gives a bit of pain relief to the chicken.
  4. Gargoyle

    Flystrike - Check Those Vents In This Heat

    Good news! One comment- be careful about using tweezers to remove the maggots, especially if they are alive. They bite on to the skin and tissue and hold on, so while removing the maggots you can unintentionally pull and tear the tissue, causing more damage.
  5. Gargoyle

    Fly strike treatment with Cold Water, fast results

    I want to emphasize- we used a large (1" diameter) syringe and flushed the wound with cool water; you don't want to bathe or soak the chicken in cold water. It worked extremely well. We checked again every couple of hours, and by evening there was no sign of maggots or eggs. She was eating...
  6. Gargoyle

    Silver Laced Wyandotte gender help

    And these three are Silver Laced Wyandottes pullets at 5 months.
  7. Gargoyle

    Silver Laced Wyandotte gender help

    These are Columbian Wyandottes at 5-1/2 months, a roo and two pullets. I say yours is a pullet.
  8. Gargoyle

    What breed is she? Perhaps Australorp?

    Same feather color, body build, leg color... that one looks a bit younger and has darker eyes, but very close. I think we have our answer, thanks everybody!
  9. Gargoyle

    What breed is she? Perhaps Australorp?

    This feed store got Prairie Bluebells in the same shipment, the bins were 10 or 12 ft apart. We did get a couple Prairie Bluebells so I know she didn't come out of that bin, but it could easily have gotten crossed up
  10. Gargoyle

    What breed is she? Perhaps Australorp?

    Yes, I see how she looks like a Whiting True Blue, but I checked, that breed is strictly from McMurray, she is from Hoover. Once she starts laying, if the eggs are blue we'll consider her an Easter Egger, although even if they are white or brown that doesn't rule it out. Do the white ears...
  11. Gargoyle

    What breed is she? Perhaps Australorp?

    There is a beautiful iridescent sheen to her feathers, especially greens when the sun hits it.
  12. Gargoyle

    What breed is she? Perhaps Australorp?

    Here's a view of her comb.
  13. Gargoyle

    What breed is she? Perhaps Australorp?

    Local feed store that got them from Hoover's Hatchery. She was in a Mystic Onyx bin, we also got two Prairie Bluebells from a separate bin (but we lost one of them). Two days old when we got them, so I'm thinking the most likely is either a mixup at the hatchery, or, since the Mystic Onyx is a...
  14. Gargoyle

    Fly strike treatment with Cold Water, fast results

    We didn't soak her in it, just flushed her vent.
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