Recent content by GardenofEaten

  1. GardenofEaten

    Looking for suggestions for Solar Powered Heat Lamps

    I am looking for a way to keep baby chicks warm in Haiti. The electric is only on for a few hours some nights. I was hoping that there would be solar heat lamps to keep them warm for a few weeks until their feathers come in.
  2. GardenofEaten

    Pestel Haiti Student Chicken Co-op

    Our website is However, I don't have very many pics yet of the mountain on there. We won't be able to start the work until September. The one good thing about the mountain people is that most of them will let you take pictures of them. So, lots of pics will be coming. I...
  3. GardenofEaten

    Pestel Haiti Student Chicken Co-op

    One of our main goals is to start a co-op at a school in September, that we are building on the mountains of Haiti. Each student in a class of about 20-30 children will receive a small chick to raise . We will teach them everything there is to know about raising these chickens and have a coop on...
  4. GardenofEaten

    Comment by 'GardenofEaten' in article 'Glossary Definitions Of Common Terms For Raising Backyard Chickens'

    If it is alright with you, I would like to use this information for my class up in the mountains of Haiti.
  5. GardenofEaten

    Official BYC Poll: Why Do You Have Chickens - Select All That Apply

    We are planning to raise chickens in a tiny mountain town in Haiti to help feed the hungry there and to teach a class to young people on how to raise their own backyard chickens to feed their families.
  6. GardenofEaten

    Comment by 'GardenofEaten' in article 'Santa's Coop In The Blue Ridge Mountains'

    We love this. I think we could create this in the mountains of Pestel in Haiti.
  7. GardenofEaten

    Sponsored Post How to: Introduce new birds to your flock

    One of my little black baby chicks had a wound on the back of her neck. So I pulled her out of the small baby coop and put her in a small cage inside of our large chicken coop where 9 Rhode island reds live who are 6 months old and and 4 chickens who are 12 weeK's old. After the wound healed I...
  8. GardenofEaten

    Haitian chickens

    In just 2 weeK's I will be headed to Haiti armed with all this great info on raising backyard chickens to teach families there in the poorest country of the world. The question looming in my head is this. What if a poor homeowner can't find chick feed like we have here. Is there a natural...
  9. GardenofEaten

    Sponsored Post How to: Introduce new birds to your flock

    I have never had the opportunity to raise chickens until a couple of months ago when a friend bought me 4 little chicks from a feed store. When they had all their feathers I let them free range with his large Rhode Island reds. I am raising my chicks on his property. All was well until we built...
  10. GardenofEaten

    Backyarding in Haiti

    Thanks everyone for the nice welcome. My husband thinks we can get the hadware cloth in Haiti. There is a store in Port au aprince that is very simular to Home Depot here. Its getting dark here so I will take pictures of this coop tomorrow. However when I get to Haiti next month I want to make...
  11. GardenofEaten

    Backyarding in Haiti

    I just found that on here! Looks like I have a lot more reading to do. I have a friend in Haiti right now who is on the hunt to locate me some new chicks. However I have become attached to these babies here and will miss them!
  12. GardenofEaten

    Backyarding in Haiti

    Hi. I am pretty excited about this site and all your experiences. I am a missionary to Haiti. I had been planning to raise chickens in Haiti. Then a friend gave me 4 chicks to raise in his backyard. (Then I got 4 more) My plan is to teach families there how to raise chickens in their tiny...
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