Recent content by Gamewarden

  1. G

    What is this and is it serious?

    This chick hatched yesterday, the white wast matter and a growth looking thing are still attached to it. I'm a little worried cause this guy hatched 2days late and I've heard that the yoke sometimes doesn't get absorbed all the way when that happens and the chick can die up to 2 weeks after that...
  2. G

    Roo or NOT Part II

    It looks like a pullet to me.
  3. G

    Have you seen roosters fight to the death?

    They can fight to the death. It usually happens when you have a more than 2 roosters, but some breeds of roosters were bred for fighting, for example Old English Game roosters. I personally had 6 roosters at one time, and it was soon down to only 3. The best way to prevent them from fighting is...
  4. G

    What can I feed a day-old chick?

    Thanks for the information
  5. G

    What can I feed a day-old chick?

    I'm feeding them northwest advantage kaniksu layer pellets.
  6. G

    Asking Silkie owners for advice please?😊

    This website has some good tips;
  7. G

    What can I feed a day-old chick?

    I don't have any chick feed, what can I feed them? I wasn't expecting to have to keep them overnight, since I am selling them to a neighbor. They hatched today and while I know they probably won't be hungry right now, I would like to give them something just so I don't have any problems.
  8. G

    How long can you leave chicks in an incubator?

    I could set a brooder quickly but, I was wanting to leave the chicks in the incubator since I'm selling them to a friend tomorrow.
  9. G

    Hen or rooster Silver laced Wyandotte 12 weeks old

    It is a pullet (female chicken under 1-year-old)
  10. G

    How long can you leave chicks in an incubator?

    I have a small force air incubator. How long can I leave a chick(s) in the incubator? I've heard you don't want to leave them in for more than 12 hours because they will get dehydrated, but can I leave it in for 24 and it be fine? I have one hatched and another unzipping, in total there are 3...
  11. G

    A chick just hatched

    Okay, thank you so very much! I was totally in the dark about what to do. You have been extremely helpful.
  12. G

    A chick just hatched

    I'm going to have to leave here in a couple of minutes
  13. G

    A chick just hatched

    Okay. What about his frantic peeping? And the blood vessel thing? Is that what's like an umbilical cord? Also, the other chicks will be fine with the high humidity? Sorry for all the questions.
  14. G

    A chick just hatched

    Kinda, it was attached to his behind, about where his vent would be. At least as far as I could tell.
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