Recent content by game chicken 1234

  1. G

    Funny question... but serious

    Hope not. ----No they will not
  2. G


  3. G

    It’s happening!!!

    Wishing you well.
  4. G

    Wanted dead or - dead!

    Get a racoon killing dog, worked for me.
  5. G

    Does Anyone Know What Gender and Breed My Chicks Are?

    Chicken Farmer 101 give them aprox another 2 weeks, then look at tail feathers. Hens tail feathers will be round at tips and, roos tail feathers will have sharper point at end of feather. Good Luck
  6. G

    Does Anyone Know What Gender and Breed My Chicks Are?

    Chicken Farmer 101, These chicks are American Game Fowl, or some call them (and, regretfully fight these chickens). Fighting chickens. I raise these chickens and, they have a look all to their own when they have not feathered out completely
  7. G

    Does Anyone Know What Gender and Breed My Chicks Are?

    American game fowl, I raise this breed chicken.
  8. G

    Serious shut down in eggs

    Is there a strange animal around pen(ie cat, dog or predator hawk etc. etc,) Had same problem changed laying crumbles to higher protein and, problem solved.
  9. G

    Is the temp right?

    New born chicks temp 90-95 degrees, lower temp by 5 degrees per week until you reach outside temp and then remove heat. Hope this helps you.
  10. G

    american game fowl

    Hello, I currently raise american game fowl and, would like to hear others, thoughts on this breed. thanks a lot.
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