Recent content by Gallimimus

  1. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Went to bed with 2 chicks in the bator. Woke up to 8 chicks. 1 more zipping now and still at least 4 pips!
  2. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Surprisingly nothing hatched today/yesterday(It is midnight, lol)! It was just the one that hatched Sunday morning after I moved the others to the brooder. Finally, about 20 minutes ago another one hatched. Thank goodness. One lonely chick in the bator was driving me nuts the last 14+ hours...
  3. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Day 17 ½ now. Woke up to 7 little chicks. I went to bed with 5 in there so just 2 more. They were pretty much all dried up so I quickly took them out. Got them in the booder and when I got back another little one had hatched! I can see 5 more pips, so now just more waiting! 8 Eggs hatched. 30...
  4. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Now I know why they say it's like popcorn! I was getting worried cause there was absolutely no progress on any of the pipped eggs. I was worried I had shrink wrapped them. Gave pup his pain killers and took him potty. Came back in. It was no more than 10 minutes since I had last checked. 1...
  5. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Baby #2 (The first to start zipping) just made it out! Poor guy was getting rolled all over by baby #1. #1 seems to think it is his/her job to roll every egg in the bator! Chick #2. It seems she wants back in her egg! Baby #1 starting to fluff up. So freaking cute! Nothing else on any other...
  6. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Holy sheesh! I didn't know how fast they were! In less than 15 minutes from when he started zipping. He/She is out! I got it on film too. I have never seen anything actually hatch. I always just seen the aftermath since they normally hatch at night and it takes hours. Baby #1!
  7. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Well, I hope I didn't just ruin everything😞 I broke the #1 rule of lockdown. Do NOT open the incubator. The incubator started vibrating(I think it hit the wall maybe?) and one of the thermometers fell(I really wish I had enough space to lay it flat!)onto one of the pipped eggs and the bator...
  8. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Sorry for all the posts. I am just getting so excited. At least 5 pips now! I am hearing a few little cheeps every now and again.
  9. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    On day 16 ½ this morning. Woke up this morning to some muffled peeps. Thought it was the birds outside but it was definitely from the incubator! Took a peek into it. 3 pips, at least! Looks like one may even be starting to zip. Humidity was down to just 46% this morning. I didn't like that so I...
  10. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    That's a great number. Hopefully you get a great hatch with lots of hens! 20 hen is what I am aiming to go for as well. Not this hatch, but definitely when I can put eggs from the hens from this hatch, I want to get to 20. Cause once they are laying, I should be getting about 100 eggs per week...
  11. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Wow, that's no fun! I had the same situation with the last 12 I hatched a couple years ago. 10 out of 12 were roos. Maybe I was just really bad at vent sexing, but 10 of them definitely had foam, and the number I heard crowing as I slowly got rid of them matched. I am hoping to get at least 5...
  12. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Coming up on day 16 now(in about 4 more hours) I have seen several wigglers, including my tiny solid color egg! Humidity and temp is staying solid(63-67% humidity, and 99.6-100 temp) according to my 5 different thermometers/hygrometers😅 So I am happy with that. I wish I hadn't damaged the 9...
  13. Gallimimus

    Day 15 for my Coturnix and getting excited!

    Thank you! That's awesome! To be honest, I would be totally happy to even just get 10 live chicks(as long as 5 are hens, lol) Of course, I would love to get all or almost all to hatch for me. Even if it is just 10, I would have only paid $2 per chick(it was only $20 for 54 freshly laid...
  14. Gallimimus

    We have a Belgian Mallionois

    I'm sure! And dangerous too! If he had food and for whatever reason, a child or unsuspecting person came up, he probably wouldn't get another chance at life. Makes me sad when people get these kinds of dogs and don't realize what a huge commitment it is. They are not a dog you can just get to...
  15. Gallimimus

    We have a Belgian Mallionois

    Beautiful mal! Now, I am a shepherd person, but I have always loved the mals as well. I have met a few and have been told that males are always a bit "goofy" just like with GSD's. As for the food aggression. I would try the NILF method. No feeding in the bowl. Measure his food out and he gets...
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