Recent content by Galaxyfalcon

  1. Galaxyfalcon

    Pekin duck struggling to walk, uses wings to balance

    Keep an eye on her weight if she's not eating her proper meals, if she starts losing weight you may want to have some tube feeding supplies on-hand in case of an emergency. Over a year ago we had one of our girls get really sick and stop eating. We waiting for about 5 or 6 days and finally...
  2. Galaxyfalcon

    Pekin duck struggling to walk, uses wings to balance

    Hello, how is your duck doing? I hope she's doing a bit better. I didn't see earlier, but did you mention what the ability to have her seen by a vet is? I had a similar issue with a duck some years ago and thought it might be egg binding, but it turned out she had somehow suffered a spinal...
  3. Galaxyfalcon

    Duck Belly

    I haven't learned definitely either, but it seems to be a normal part of her duck anatomy that becomes more apparent in the fall and winter after egg laying season. I think it's normal, although in Herman's case here she has had a few health issues, they don't seem to be associated with this...
  4. Galaxyfalcon

    Duck beak bruising/peeling ??

    Can you post some more photos? The second photo doesn't look bad, but the first one the bills look swollen or bloated which would be more of a concern for me.
  5. Galaxyfalcon

    Sprained Duck leg

    We've still got him in the dog crate today for some quiet inside rest time. We've been letting him out a few times a day to stretch and take a bath in the evening. I'm wondering how many days it might be healthy to keep him indoors for? As a bonus we've started wrapping his foot with ointment in...
  6. Galaxyfalcon


    Is the video still processing? Having trouble loading it!
  7. Galaxyfalcon


    Thank you! We also have a jumbo pekin and his feet look fine now, but we've had periods where we struggled to help his poor feet! He's so big and heavy that most tutorials for handling a duck wouldn't work (at least not without hurting him, I'm afraid). Definitely appreciate any insights you can...
  8. Galaxyfalcon

    Sprained Duck leg

    Okay, today we moved him to a larger dog crate so he has a little more room but is still somewhat immobile. We tried keeping him in a different setup last night, which he didn't like and kept trying to jump out of (obviously bad for the foot). He also has a large sore on his foot we had been...
  9. Galaxyfalcon

    Cayuga Silver Appleyard duck mixes

    oh my gosh those are going to be extremely cute birds when they're all grown up. If no one posts adult pictures, you'll have to come back in a few months and update this thread so we can see what they look like!
  10. Galaxyfalcon

    Sprained Duck leg

    Is it okay to leave him in the crate for the day? I let him out twice for water but I also want to try to keep him off the leg as much as possible.
  11. Galaxyfalcon

    Sprained Duck leg

    Hello all, It's mating season so we've had our boys separated from our girls. Normally, we keep our youngest boy (Triton) with his girlfriend (Freya) since they get along really well and he doesn't bully her too much during this season. She recently had some hard egg times and suffered a...
  12. Galaxyfalcon

    Tips on how to bond with your ducks

    I would have just you and the ducks! Our ducks love to "help" with yard chores, so digging holes or raking leaves and disturbing bugs is great fun for them. They usually come running when they see us grab yard tools because they want to snag any bugs or worms we dig up. I'd also get some...
  13. Galaxyfalcon

    Not again 😣

    Has she been to a vet? With the calcium not helping, I'm wondering more if there could be an underlying infection (egg yolk peritonitis maybe?), maybe some kind of bacteria or fungal thing. I hope she's doing better!
  14. Galaxyfalcon

    Duck crop impacted with oyster shells

    I'm not sure if this is super helpful, but I would aim for a dosage of about ~500mg of calcium citrate. That seems to be what most pills have which we just started trying on one of our girls who is having a very similar issue as your girl. I would check on the label and measure out an...
  15. Galaxyfalcon

    Is a female duck with a prolapsed vent a death sentence?

    She's doing better! The vet says that the swollen bit that's still outside is inflamed tissue and not a prolapse proper. She showed us how to put it back in, which is the same technique we can use to put a prolapse back in in the future. Apparently, she'll be more prone to prolapse again in the...
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