Recent content by gabrielle1976

  1. gabrielle1976

    Hunger Games!

    I watched the two movies and read all three books becuase my niece was so into them and I was curious. I like them well enough nice change from a lead girl charicter of some sort fawing over some guy no matter what lol . Any ones else who read the books feel like the 3rd one seemed rushed and...
  2. gabrielle1976

    Saveing Dallas, my thoughts about an anti rooster farming community.

    They are haveing another town meeting tonight at 7 pm about this little girls rooster. Still can not beleave that they would be like this in a farming community seems so sad.
  3. gabrielle1976


    I was wondering if there is anyone else local , I am thinking about starting my son in 4H and though bunnies would be easy or cavies we have a soft spot for silkies, I dont want to get them from a hatchery as I think the kids get to show there chickens in fairs and I am sure hatchery quality...
  4. gabrielle1976

    Saveing Dallas, my thoughts about an anti rooster farming community.

    Yeah it does seem crazy, a community that runs on farmers haveing a fit over a little 4 H'rs silkie roo.
  5. gabrielle1976

    Saveing Dallas, my thoughts about an anti rooster farming community.

    I have been following the plight of a small girl trying to save her best friend Dallas, Dallas happens to be a rooster. The story warms my heart and breaks it at the same time. I can not wrap my head around a 600 person farm community that would go this far over a rooster. To me it makes no...
  6. gabrielle1976

    WHAT YA GOT SWAP Chat Thread

    I have missed you all so much =) How are things , everyone doing ok ?
  7. gabrielle1976

    WHAT YA GOT SWAP Chat Thread

    I am glad you had a good day. I always enjoy mine. With sevral cronic conditions they seem fewer and farther between lol. I'm hopeing to have a few this week cuase my son is on spring break I will need all the gumption I can get :)
  8. gabrielle1976

    WHAT YA GOT SWAP Chat Thread

    Long time no see. How is everyone. I am almost bird less. I am still sad I had to get rid of my chickens. I have little special needs butter and 2 chicks that hatched in my sons class room that Ill have to get rid of soon and that's it all my serama are gone the owner of the building got fed up...
  9. gabrielle1976

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Butter is still takeing care of the class room chicks they seem happy and she seems happy she is to funny though she has always been the sweetest bird but now she puffs up and growls like a guard dog if we even talk to her lol Little one seems so big wont be a week old till early tammrow...
  10. gabrielle1976

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Well 2 of the 7 eggs hatched. I brought the incubator home and plugged it back in as the school decided they didnt allow hatching in the class room I took butters egg that she has been sitting on faithfully for more then a week and stuffed the 2 little silkie chicks that hatched under her. One...
  11. gabrielle1976

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Well I got the weeks wrong so the hatch in the classroom wont be till next wensday , so hopefully plenty of time to figure out if butter wants to stay broody or not. Im not sure what she is size wise I have no bases of comparison I have serama but there tiny and she is bigger then them but I...
  12. gabrielle1976

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Hi everyone . My first broody miss mini is doing amazeing with her five chicks they are all featherd out now except a bit of there head , wondering how long she will put up with them now lol. Ok my question now though is I have a hatch going in my sons classroom. We set 7 eggs in a brinsea mini...
  13. gabrielle1976

    WHAT YA GOT SWAP Chat Thread

    Thank you everyone. The birds made it to there new homes , Tweetypie even laid and egg for her new mom.
  14. gabrielle1976

    WHAT YA GOT SWAP Chat Thread

    Hi everyone I sent out two boxes of birds , 2 adults going to MI and a bunch of 4-6 weekers going to OH Please pray for them send good vibes and well wishes if your not religous I want all the little ones to get to there new homes safely, I will miss all my little birds, I have 2 more shipments...
  15. gabrielle1976

    Soap Makers Help!

    I just watched the funnist video on youtub from soapmakeing101 . She made the cutest little bars of soap from a whole coconut and a little lye it was awsome. She even ran it thru the calculater.
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