Recent content by Fuzzbutt

  1. Fuzzbutt

    SO, What's everybody got in your incubators?

    Mine started out with 12 Serama eggs but when I candled on day 14 nine were clear so I'm down to three. They are due Friday the 19th. I hope the 3 hatch out OK so it won't be a total loss. They look good under the light so maybe I'll luck out and get a few anyway. I'll let Y'all know the...
  2. Fuzzbutt

    Why is there a tracker program on this website?

    That Chicken feeder is really cool but what happens when one is standing on the board feeding and another comes in and starts feeding from the side and then the one on the board steps off? BIG BIG HEADACHE FOR THE ONE ON THE SIDE (if it doesn't receive a skull fracture!!!!) Just my thoughts...
  3. Fuzzbutt

    New Mods

    I agree Carole even though I'm originally from New England. I'd like to see Peyton finally get a Super Bowl Ring! He really deserves one. Brady has three and doesn't need another right now. Maybe later. So this year I say....GO COLTS!!! Fuzzbutt
  4. Fuzzbutt

    Phoenix chicken

    Hi, I also cannot have Roos because of my nasty neighbors. One way to find out is to just hang in there until he/she is about 5 months old and if it crows....well, you get the picture. Just don't destroy him if he turns out to be a Roo. They are very easy to give away. Good luck, John aka Fuzzbutt
  5. Fuzzbutt

    California - Northern

    There really isn't a line between Northern and Southern Calif because you have to fit Central Calif in between the two. The accepted line between Southern and Central is Point Conception. The line between Northern and Central is around Monterey or thereabouts. You can actually include San...
  6. Fuzzbutt


    Any Serama lovers in S. Calif? I'm in Lompoc just above Santa Barbara. Cheers, John aka Fuzzbutt
  7. Fuzzbutt

    Cross your fingers 4 ME

    Good luck with yours Shari. I just candled my 12 and 8 were clear on day 14. Two of the four I have left are questionable so I'm hoping to at least wind up with two. Hatch day is one week from today (next Friday). All were White Serama from Belinda in Arkansas. I think maybe they got scrambled...
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