Recent content by Friendofchix

  1. F

    Informal research poll on broodiness

    I have a Buff Orpington hen that is a year and a half old that has been broody multiple times (seems like more often than not). I have taken all the eggs away from her multiple times, removed her nest pad several times, one time only allowed her access to the coop at night, and I had to put her...
  2. F

    PLEASE TRY THIS FEED!! My 11 hens have laid over 100 eggs so far this year. Poll: what brand of feed do you get?

    If you have too many eggs you can always donate them to a local food bank. They will be much appreciated. BTW, I usually get 6 eggs from 8 hens each day. That’s about 112 eggs per hen this year.
  3. F

    Chicken with terrible wound

    Thank you! I actually ordered that kind yesterday. She is hanging in there, and my vet prescribed her an antibiotic too.
  4. F

    Chicken with terrible wound

    She is eating, drinking, and laying normally. Other than her appearance how would I know if she has water belly?
  5. F

    Chicken with terrible wound

    What brand of feed are you using? I am getting the chlorhexidine and also some Rooster Booster to hopefully help her while she’s healing.
  6. F

    Chicken with terrible wound

    I just switched to the 18% “animal feed”. I put neosporin on the wound last night and have continued to apply the vetericyn twice today already. I was moving the flock to their new much larger coop and run when I saw the wound yesterday. She is isolated in the smaller one now. She’s eating and...
  7. F

    Chicken with terrible wound

    They eat Scratch and Peck layer feed, oyster shell, and grit. I have been giving them mealworms as a treat to increase their protein as well to help with feather growth. None of the other chickens have molted. They are just over a year old.
  8. F

    Chicken with terrible wound

    Also, she is way more bald than anyone else in the flock, I was suspecting she was also over grooming herself, but I’m not sure.
  9. F

    Chicken with terrible wound

    She is otherwise acting normal and seems to feel better after the initial application of peroxide and vetericyn. Thanks!
  10. F

    Chicken with terrible wound

    I’m new to chicken keeping and found my hen with this terrible wound on her side. She is very bald due to feather picking/ over grooming. I believe the rooster mounted her and sliced her with his spur when he couldn’t hold on due to lack of feathers. I am going to flush with peroxide and apply...
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