Recent content by Fowl_Language_

  1. Fowl_Language_

    Do I need a second door inside the coop ?

    Thank you! That inside pop door wall actually comes right off, so I’ll probably just remove it altogether! I’ll have to figure out how to predator proof the whole outside ! :) thanks for that, I did notice it was stuffy and was going to add ventilation windows but just taking the whole door off...
  2. Fowl_Language_

    Do I need a second door inside the coop ?

    Sorry it took so long to reply! That interior wall with the pop door actually comes off, so I guess I’ll just leave it off!! :)
  3. Fowl_Language_

    Do I need a second door inside the coop ?

    Thank you. That makes sense and I didn’t know the name of the type of door so thank you for that as well! I think I was confusing with my wording!
  4. Fowl_Language_

    Do I need a second door inside the coop ?

    I added hardware cloth on top of where you see chicken wire
  5. Fowl_Language_

    Do I need a second door inside the coop ?

    Sorry I should have been more clear. This is a photo from when I first bought it, I just added hardware cloth on top of all the chicken wire!
  6. Fowl_Language_

    Do I need a second door inside the coop ?

    Hello! So I am wondering if my coop will be safe at night without a door on it. I will add photos of my coop. I have added hardware cloth to the whole unit and there are garden bricks on top of that around the bottom edge.. I’m kind of nervous to let them sleep in there without a door so I think...
  7. Fowl_Language_

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!
  8. Fowl_Language_

    I found some! Hurray!!!

    Yeah that’s the plan :)
  9. Fowl_Language_

    I found some! Hurray!!!

    This was incredibly helpful. Thank you so much. My coop was pre built by a local guy, and needs better protection. It doesn’t have a door for the coop 🤦🏼‍♀️ and I still need to include an extra layer of hardware cloth on top of the chicken wire of my coop before they can live in it, but I think...
  10. Fowl_Language_

    I have everything ready… except chicks- help!

    Thank you! They’re already so big and acclimating well :)
  11. Fowl_Language_

    I found some! Hurray!!!

    I posted last week I was having trouble finding baby chicks because my closest TSC were sold out, and hatcheries weren’t shipping until May or later. But!! I found chicks at a different tractor supply near my house! They are all Speckled Sussex and they are the cutest little floofs I’ve ever...
  12. Fowl_Language_

    I have everything ready… except chicks- help!

    Guess what!!!! I found some at the next closest tractor supply near me! I’m going to make a post shortly!!!
  13. Fowl_Language_

    Hello chicken friends!! From Polk county, FLA

    I’m in Auburndale, 45 min from you!
  14. Fowl_Language_

    Hello chicken friends!! From Polk county, FLA

    That’s awesome!!! Where do you get your chicks from? They’re all sold out at the moment but some local feed stores have given me dates of when they’re getting some in.
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