Recent content by foolishcop

  1. foolishcop

    Review by 'foolishcop' in article 'How Much Room Do Chickens Need?'

    As others have noted, the article covers all the important points you need, especially if you're just starting out. But I have to disagree with the rules of thumb for space requirements. I began keeping a small backyard flock 6 years ago. I have 4 chickens. I built a coop and run based on...
  2. foolishcop

    Review by 'foolishcop' in article '"Hentirement"'

    I've only been raising chickens for 4 years and it was originally for the purpose of eggs and meat. I figured I'd get a couple of years of eggs from them and slaughter them afterwards for their meat and replenish the flock with new chicks in a continuing cycle. That's not how it's worked out...
  3. foolishcop

    Feed v. Vegetables

    Thanks very much for the replies! It makes sense what everyone says, about the lack of protein. I did just make one of those bucket feeders where they have to stick their heads inside to get at the feed so I can see it won't be going to waste. Thanks again!
  4. foolishcop

    Feed v. Vegetables

    Because a local fruit & vegetable store throws out tons of castoffs every day, I have daily access to an unlimited supply of fresh vegetable scraps. Is it okay to allow them to simply eat this supply, which they happen to love, or do they need to be supplemented with commercial feed? Currently...
  5. foolishcop

    Rooster or Nah?

    Thanks everyone. Sadly, he's going to have to go. Today, he won't shut up! LOL! All morning long he's been crowing.
  6. foolishcop

    Rooster or Nah?

    ...because Squanto sounds like it's trying to crow. It's also larger than the other Barred Rock I have (and the Buff Orpington and Rhode Island Reds), is braver, first out of the coop, and has the top spot in the pecking order when garden scraps and other food is thrown into the pen. It's about...
  7. foolishcop

    Cellulose Fiber Insulation as Brooder Bedding

    Good points! Also, the cellulose fiber can be "dusty;" I'd hate to cause any respiratory problems. Thanks!
  8. foolishcop

    Comment by 'foolishcop' in media 'And done'

    @SwtGrc Hi, sorry for the delay in responding. I'm getting 6 chicks in 2 weeks. There will be a certain amount of free ranging allowed, but not completely. The run is 4x10, and the coop itself sits in an area that's 20x20 and fenced off where they will mostly be allowed to run about...
  9. foolishcop

    Cellulose Fiber Insulation as Brooder Bedding

    First-time chick-raiser here. My day-old chicks will be arriving in about 2 weeks and I'm putting together my brooder. I've been reading on the many options available for bedding for the chicks and I was wondering if anyone has used cellulose fiber insulation? This is NOT like the fiberglass...
  10. foolishcop

    Comment by 'foolishcop' in media 'And done'

    Thanks, I'll have to keep an eye on it.
  11. foolishcop

    Drafts and Winterization

    Thanks ChickenCanoe, I didn't show it, but under the eaves on both sides of the coop I have vent holes drilled and covered with 1/2" hardware cloth. Also, over the the pop out door and the nesting boxes are windows, also covered in hardware cloth. They have wood inserts in them at the moment...
  12. foolishcop

    Drafts and Winterization

    I'm brand new to backyard chickens, or will be come the spring, so this is probably something I won't have to contend with for another year, but I like to plan ahead. I recently built my chicken coop (see image below), a take on the Chez Poulet design I've seen a number of people construct...
  13. Work on the coop begins...

    Work on the coop begins...

  14. The first wall goes up

    The first wall goes up

  15. Framing in the nesting box

    Framing in the nesting box

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