Recent content by FluffyButtClub

  1. FluffyButtClub

    Ordering spring much fun. What did you get?

    We are adding four Blue Plymouth Tint hens to the club this year. I’m in the truck with these beauties now (passenger of course) 😬
  2. FluffyButtClub

    Fluffy Butt Club bends laws/saves egg production

    Less than a year ago they said we were nuts to keep 4 Rhode Island red hens in suburbia when our hoa allows ONE…chickens are social critters. Keeping ONE hen is cruelty. So…**** the HOA…we went guerilla. How much eggs cost these days? Yeah…hoa laws are merely suggestive. Keep it clean. Keep it...
  3. FluffyButtClub

    How I secretly raise chickens with HOA restrictions

    In Texas we buy 4 at a time. LlOVE tractor supply. Got super lucky on our first buy, no roosters. Just 4 great hens. We’ll be adding more hens every year. At least a couple so when they age out we get some organic chicken meat out of this deal. But yeah, no roosters for us. Gotta keep quiet. A...
  4. FluffyButtClub

    How I secretly raise chickens with HOA restrictions

    It’s pretty simple. I’m allowed ONE chicken per HOA rules. I think that’s cruel as chickens are very social critters who need other chickens for interaction. Simply put, it is easier for me to ask forgiveness than permission. With the cost of eggs going up and the mega farms egg production...
  5. FluffyButtClub


    Found this handmade awesomeness on Etsy. I absolutely love this thing!! Simple, beautiful, brilliant. It is perfect for storing those bird biscuits. 🤗
  6. FluffyButtClub

    Hanging round the coop

    Just watching the ladies. Took up 4 eggs already Waiting on the next round 😁
  7. FluffyButtClub

    First round

    I was checking every couple of days for eggs. Bow, it’s gonna be everyday…pop the coop and have a look. Beyond excited! 😁
  8. FluffyButtClub

    First round

    Boom! We now have eggs! It’s been a long road but we’re finally there. I was waiting on that first tiny egg. Nada. I got these instead. Straw has been installed (again). Since they’re laying now maybe they won’t rip it out of their nesting boxes😁
  9. FluffyButtClub

    The Fluffy Butt Club Lives!!!

    I am sitting here right now in An area of HOA owned suburban America eyeballing these beauties. I do this a LOT!!! It wasn’t long ago these Rhode Island Reds were in my bathroom as babies. So proud. Still guerilla chicken ranchin! Peace 😁
  10. FluffyButtClub

    Fight the power!

    I have seriously considered running for local office in my area. Or at least the HOA. EVERYONE complains about Liberal law making things worse and worse around here that’s all anyone is doing. Complaining. I’ve complained enough! Then I started keeping chickens in my suburban yard without...
  11. FluffyButtClub

    Overworrying about Chicks?

    I’ve seen my grandparents and my folks raise chickens all my life. Never phased them. They didn’t worry because there was nothing to really worry about except the occasional racoon or fox snooping around at night. We could see the tracks. They didn’t have a lot of the threats we do these days...
  12. FluffyButtClub

    Baby chicks moving into coop

    Probably putting miy Rhode Island Red Heritage gals in the coop soon! My FIRST all me chickens. My grandparents had them. My pops has 6 currently. But my babies are officially Perching and trying to fly out of the box a lot this weekend (classic box in the bathroom addict scenario). There is...
  13. FluffyButtClub

    Have you bought chicks from Tractor Supply this spring?

    4 Heritage Rhode Island Reds from our Tractor Supply. Limit 4. My wife gave them our address I believe. I don’t care anymore. I need them.
  14. FluffyButtClub

    Great, another noob on here

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. My grandma used to hand me a basket to get eggs from their walk in coop. My dad has still Orphingtons. I’ve wanted chickens of my own for years. Finally pulled the trigger and so far I’m just super excited.
  15. FluffyButtClub

    Great, another noob on here

    One of them has declared herself the Boss. Daisy Mae Moses. The others seem to go along with it. The pecking order is already being established. And it’s Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies in the lead! Here’s the coop. Needs work. I’ve got a little time
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