Recent content by FloweredHemlock

  1. FloweredHemlock


    It's silverleaf nightshade
  2. FloweredHemlock


    Ive been wanting to free range my flock more but a nightshade native to where I live has been spreading like wildfire and I can't seem to get rid of it. I know it's not quite a raccoon or mite issue but these things are m6 pests! I can't get rid of them! I have ripped from the root, I have dug...
  3. FloweredHemlock

    Over preening?

    One of my hens went blind in one eye a while back now and she's adjusted as well as a half blind hen can but on her blind side by her tail feathers is a patch of under fluff but the rest of the feathers in that patch are gone. I thought it was my aggressive roo at first but he's been gone for...
  4. FloweredHemlock

    New roo

    I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right area but I'm gonna do it anyway. Ive had roosters before but I had raised them myself, they had been raised with the girls. I recently had to rehome my roo and I've been offered another roo by a family member who has to many roosters. I can't...
  5. FloweredHemlock

    Aggressive roo

    Thank you, for your advice and honesty. I really appreciate it. I was really hoping to be able to keep him but your right. My flock already has enough to deal with, an aggressive roo shouldn't be one of them. I've had to get rid of five roosters in the year I've had them. (I left it to chance...
  6. FloweredHemlock

    Aggressive roo

    I have a roo I adore, he's a sweetie most of the time and isn't a huge bully like I've had other roos act like. He took the introduction of new hens quite well once we got rid of the two we didn't know were roosters. But Stella, who was introduced with the other hens, has been singled out and...
  7. FloweredHemlock

    Hen injured ear lobe

    I cleaned it and I have a spray I use with other bird wounds that works pretty well so I'm not to worried about that. The wrap isn't around her wound rather it's around her neck feathers so the cone doesn't rub her neck raw or anything, her feathers would get caught on the lip and it looked...
  8. FloweredHemlock

    Hen injured ear lobe

    So I recently merged my younger hens with my older ones and it's been going as expected for the most part except for my hen Stella. Stella was bought separate from all of them and is a different breed but we had only gotten one. She's the slightest bit bigger then the other hens and has two...
  9. FloweredHemlock

    Silkie confusion

    Sorry it took me so long, I've been busy. White one is pheobe and sosha is black. They both crow and have blue ears(someone on Google said that you could tell by their ears but I'm not sure how true that is) and it rained today so they're slightly wet but I didn't think that'd be much of a...
  10. FloweredHemlock

    Silkie confusion

    In my recent batch of chicks I decided to get a wider variety and got two silkie chickens. I've never had silkies before but I find them ridiculously adorable. The shop said they were gendered so the chances of me getting a rooster was low. Not impossible of course, I'm no fool. But, I figured...
  11. FloweredHemlock


    Oh thank you so much! When I look online I only get worse case scenarios, so this helps a lot. I haven't had chickens in a really long time and never had these problems so I'm running into issues I haven't seen before. Stella doesn't seem to be having any problems and it looks to be growing back...
  12. FloweredHemlock


    I don't think this is an emergency but I'm not sure what to do. This is my nearly 3 month old hen stella, she recently chipped her beak and I didn't think it was a big deal cuz it was small and she could eat, wasn't in any pain or discomfort. But then it split like this and I'm no longer sure...
  13. FloweredHemlock

    Hens left eye looks gross and is starting to pop out of skull

    I wasnt sure what to use and I hesitated putting anything on her eye at first because I didn't want to somehow make things worse. I grabbed a generic chicken aid spray from a farm animal store and it seems to help a little with irritation but that looks to be it. I couldn't get a good picture...
  14. FloweredHemlock

    Hens left eye looks gross and is starting to pop out of skull

    I noticed a little bit ago one of my hens wasn't opening her eye. I washed it off and she opened it and it looked fine, then she kept doing it. I checked again a few days later and it was grey and cloudy. I immediately isolated her and checked the others, they were fine and continue to be so. I...
  15. FloweredHemlock

    New here and hoping to learn

    I recently got my first flock(10 to start) , I've cared for chickens before but this is the first time I've had a flock of my own and this time I'm not living with an experienced farmer. And unfortunately, I'm running into issues I haven't seen before and finding answers on the internet is like...
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