Recent content by Flower Chick

  1. Flower Chick

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Thank you!!! I definitely see a resemblance. Your girl has larger wattles like ours. The wattles on our SLW are larger than the other 6-wk pullets we have, although, they are all different breeds so comparing is difficult. Thanks so much for the picture!!! :)
  2. Flower Chick

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Thank you! We are hoping so. We already have a rooster for our flock of 15. :)
  3. Flower Chick

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    We have a 6-week old Silver-Laced Wyandotte here. Any guesses on whether we have a roo or pullet? Thanks for your time!
  4. Flower Chick

    Silver-Laced Wyandotte Roo or Pullet

    We have a Silver-Laced Wyandotte, 6-week old chick here. This is our third year of ordering 6 'pullets' in the spring. The first two years we got one roo with each order. We think we may have another roo with this year's order. So much for 95% accuracy. Any thoughts on if this little one is a...
  5. Flower Chick

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #8

    Haha! I have been wondering for the past year when the winners would be announced! I love your flower boxes! I would love to add some flair to the front of our coop too.
  6. Flower Chick

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #8

    Hello Administrators, Just wondering how long this contest will go on? Thank you!
  7. Flower Chick

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #8

    As far as I know, the Winter-Spring contest is still going on. No mention of winners or the contest ending from what I have seen. I say go ahead and post when you finish unless you see otherwise :)
  8. Flower Chick

    Comment by 'Flower Chick' in article 'Colorado Prairie Coop and Run'

    Very nice! I love the use of the plant hangers too. I just might use those inside our run and possibly hang a couple on the posts under our deck (the chicken love the shade under our deck in the summer). Thanks for posting!
  9. Flower Chick

    Comment by 'Flower Chick' in item 'Easter Eggers'

    We have two EE's in a mixed flock as well and ours are the least friendly as well. But, one of the EE's seems to be slowly warming up to us. She will eat out of hands, she will hang out within feet of us if we are out working in the gardens (worms), and she has been coming up to our sliding...
  10. Flower Chick

    Help Identifying Breed of 4 1/2 Week Old Chick

    Thank you, Queen Misha! That is what we had suspected. We are happy that she is a pullet too! We weren't sure how many roos we'd end up with when our order was mixed.
  11. Flower Chick

    Help Identifying Breed of 4 1/2 Week Old Chick

    A recent order of chicks was botched and I believe we have identified all except for one. Based on our internet search we think that what we thought was going to be an Australorp may be a black sex link. This chick started getting brown feathers on the chest and head. Based on the pictures, can...
  12. Flower Chick

    Rooster Attacking our Shoes

    I like the water idea. Thank you, CT! I'll have to give it a try and see how the roo responds.
  13. Flower Chick

    Rooster Attacking our Shoes

    Thanks, Mary! I've been researching rooster behavior on the internet and your advice seems to be right on par. Our rooster has to change quick otherwise I can't have him around. We have other families who come and visit our chickens and gardens during the spring, summer and fall and I don't want...
  14. Flower Chick

    Rooster Attacking our Shoes

    Thank you for you advice! We will see if holding him more will stop the attacks. I'm not confident, but I'll try anything to see if it works (I would have a really hard time 'taking care of the rooster' if he doesn't stop).
  15. Flower Chick

    Rooster Attacking our Shoes

    Good Evening! I have a question: Is there any way to stop our rooster from attacking our shoes? We inadvertently were given a rooster when we picked up six chicks last April. He's very good with our hens, he likes to eat food out of anyone's hand and he's generally a very good bird, but he...
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