Recent content by FlockinAround

  1. FlockinAround

    Soft Shell eggs...don't think it's calcium related...

    thank you- we do have free choice crushed oyster shell available to them and they do definitely peck at it/eat it. I'll try the calcium citrate with her, I wish I knew for sure it was that one- I'm guessing right now but pretty sure....none of the vets nearby see chickens and they will not do...
  2. FlockinAround

    Soft Shell eggs...don't think it's calcium related...

    We have a tiny flock of 3 (they are all just over a year old) and one of them is laying soft shell eggs, on and off for about a month now. No other symptoms of illness that I can detect- poop seems fine, no respiratory distress aside from the occasional sneeze usually when dust bathing- which...
  3. FlockinAround

    Adding to our one-chicken flock...

    oh I love this idea! Thank you!
  4. FlockinAround

    Adding to our one-chicken flock...

    totally! the wee coop is only for sleeping at the moment- even in the rain we haven't had to shut Jessy in it at all. We're near LA so it's never really under 60 degrees in the day time, lowest is mid-40s at night and we're home A LOT so she's out in the yard free ranging most of the day too. We...
  5. FlockinAround

    Adding to our one-chicken flock...

    I really appreciate your advice! The wee coop is temporary but it will be there like that for the next couple months while we finish another construction project- we plan to build a much bigger coop that will attach to that left side of the run and comfortably house 6 hens eventually. This was...
  6. FlockinAround

    Adding to our one-chicken flock...

    TYSM! This is super helpful, thank you so much for taking the time to reply. We're working on making a little second run area for the new gals and will definitely look them over carefully when we go to get them! I'd def rather not treat if there's no evidence of illness, but kept seeing to just...
  7. FlockinAround

    Adding to our one-chicken flock...

    Thank you for taking the time to write out a helpful reply! I appreciate this so much and will read through the links tonight. I will definitely add more food and water stations and put some more areas to get some alone time like roosts and levels- that's a great idea! Thank you!!
  8. FlockinAround

    Adding to our one-chicken flock...

    Wow- thank you so much for responding, this is all tremendously helpful and I really appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge! The two new gals are coming from the same place so they would quarantine together. I was totally considering the validity of quarantine with just 3 hens...
  9. FlockinAround

    Adding to our one-chicken flock...

    they're from the same flock- like I keep the two of them in a dog crate for a month with no outside time? I definitely want to do what's best for all and keep em all healthy, I'm just struggling with the concept. Thank you so much for answering! Much appreciated!
  10. FlockinAround

    Adding to our one-chicken flock...

    We have a solo 7 month old hen and she's been on her own about 3 weeks now. I found a couple hens locally, one is a 9 month old marans mix and the other is an 11 month old speckled Sussex. I am picking them up on Friday and would love all your tips for how to handle the new additions. I have...
  11. FlockinAround

    One lone hen?? :'( Our flock is down to a solo gal, what to do next??

    ohh I'll take a look, thank you so much- I didn't consider that and if by some miracle she goes broody all the sudden I'd definitely go for it- it's not super cold at night yet but in the 50s for sure, my brooder area inside is a giant construction space now and won't be available again for a...
  12. FlockinAround

    One lone hen?? :'( Our flock is down to a solo gal, what to do next??

    Thank you so much! I did post her pic in couple local groups and ask about available 7month olds- and most of the available pullets/hens are either quite a bit younger or older so I'm hoping to find some closer to her age/size asap. I love your guess because she's a mystery to us- she was labled...
  13. FlockinAround

    One lone hen?? :'( Our flock is down to a solo gal, what to do next??

    Thank you this is super helpful- I am in local facebook groups and then got overwhelmed because I didn't want to get any that would be too young or on the other side too old to get used to being snuggled by my kids! When looking in FB groups what questions should I ask- I'm definitely worried...
  14. FlockinAround

    One lone hen?? :'( Our flock is down to a solo gal, what to do next??

    We are heartbroken for our one lone hen Jessy- she is only 7 months old, has been laying since September and is about to enter winter all alone! The timing isn't great for us to get tiny baby chicks, and she is a large floof of a chicken so I think adding pullets that are coop- ready but way...
  15. FlockinAround

    Would love some help! Chicken is hunched, not eating as usual, yellow urates/watery poop....??

    thank you so much for your reply- I'm near Los Angeles, coastal Southern California- it was like 45 degrees last night which is pretty darn cold for us and then about 80 all day today and very dry, much more so than usual. Her appetite seemed totally normal yesterday and I only noticed today...
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