Recent content by Fizabee

  1. Fizabee

    Welcome to BYC! :welcome

    Welcome to BYC! :welcome
  2. Fizabee

    Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

    I've never heard of this method, but the video does make it seem like it may work! Doesn't hurt to try I guess! I'll be watching this thread so be sure to tell us how it ends up! Hope it works! :pop:fl:pop:thumbsup
  3. Fizabee

    Welcome to BYC!

    Welcome to BYC!
  4. Fizabee

    Chicken Breed Focus - d'Uccle bantams

    I've been looking for some of these chicks for the spring. Where did y'all get yours? I can't seem to find them online and they never show up at my feed store.
  5. Fizabee

    Microwave Oat Egg Scramble! (recipe)

    So, out of the blue, it's snowing here in St. Louis! Just a tiny sprinkle, but it was a reminder for me that colder weathers are coming. Since our flock of four sleep in a small coop with wood-shaving bedding, their main source of heat is hot water bottles and the occasional child-snuggle...
  6. Fizabee

    Official BYC Poll: How do you keep your flock warm in the winter?

    Winters aren't very harsh here. On one occasion we had a snowstorm come in, and we had the chickens in a large dog crate in the garage ( we had only three pullets at the time) Other than that, they have a shaded area where snow can't get, and on cold nights we put a couple hot water bottles in...
  7. Fizabee

    Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Perspective On Chickens For Meat

    I grew up in a town that had a coop in every other yard. We probably ate our own chickens all the time. I got my first flock as an adult when I lived in the suburbs, where eating my backyard pets would most likely be frowned upon. I was already on this ice with my neighbors for owning said...
  8. Fizabee

    A November Poultry Show!

    Scout is so cute! And your chickens are so pretty! I really want to get some bantam cochins.
  9. Fizabee

    A November Poultry Show!

    Hi y'all! I don't expect a lot of people to see this, but I thought it would be fun to have a mini virtual poultry show! Some rules: 1) Poultry of all shapes and sizes are welcome! No matter a hen, cockerel, duck, quail or anything else under the sun! Any ages are also welcome, as long as you...
  10. Fizabee

    What about love?

    Awe, that's adorable. I actually have known my now-significant-other since we were three years old. I went to a small Montessori school, so everyone knew everyone. I met them in preschool, aaand we ended up in the same classes from then to the 8th grade. We weren't really friends, but we...
  11. Fizabee

    Update on my chicken... I need some advice.

    you can maybe clean the beak with a damp Q-tip? so the water won't hurt her? Another feeding option like the eggs is mixing mashed feed with yogurt.
  12. Fizabee

    Please help

    Ok, ive given her some scrambled egg and she has plentiful water, when I was checking she had a bit of blood on her toenails. Think that means she's been picking at it? Separated her off from the other hens and tomorrow we'll put up the dog crate because the other chickens seemed interested in...
  13. Fizabee

    Please help

    So I missed ONE health check and this happened. Lately in the suburban flock, we've been having hawk problems. We've also lost one or two to a raccoon. And one of my chickens is a bit mean. But I didn't think anything would happen to my second in the pecking order, Teddy, in broad daylight! I...
  14. Fizabee

    Suprise chicks

    If you have a garage or shed and the chooks are enclosed, you could maybe move them there, I find hot water bottles help if it's too cold, but you have to remember to remove them when they cool because you don't want a frozen water bottle!
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