
I'm trying out a new medication for my blood pressure, and it makes me a bit easily irritated. Sorry in advance if I get snappy at someone.

I'm autistic and am therefore prone to hyperfixation on ideas and interesting subjects. Last year I got the idea that I wanted quail, despite being about to go to college, so I started doing some research about that. Now I've been reading about poultry keeping of all kinds and am planning to keep quail as soon as I'm out of college and stable enough for some birds. Buttons first, in a naturalistic, bioactive terrarium, then coturnix at some point in the future. Possibly chickens.
If I say something that comes across as rude, I promise I didn't mean it that way, I'm just not great at tone. Especially not when typing. I'm also bad at telling when people are kidding- I take things very literally.
I've kept fish for 10 years, dart frogs for 2, orchids for 3, and pet (non-invasive) roaches for 2, and, thanks to my hyperfixation, I know a lot about a lot of different creatures.
I'm going to be a marine biologist after I get out of college, hopefully working with how to breed various reef fish and keep populations healthy in captivity until we can repair their habitat. Basically, I want to help work on the Noah's Ark that's being built all over the world in different zoos and aquariums. Gotta have everything alive and genetically diverse for when the ocean is clean enough to put them back, or, worst-case scenario, we should at least try to maintain a captive population if their habitat is permanently destroyed.
Aug 14, 1998 (Age: 25)
Central Texas
Why do you want to join our community?
I have questions about quail care.
College student


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