Recent content by First time Chick mom

  1. First time Chick mom

    SLW and BO egg laying

    I have 2 slw and 2 bo that are 29 weeks old and none of them are laying yet. Not a big deal, I have 2 EE that are 34 weeks that have been laying since 20 weeks pretty steady. What I am wondering is; since we are getting pretty cold here and daylight is only about 10 hours (give or take) could...
  2. First time Chick mom

    Any guesses on this breed? And sex?

    I don't know what breed she is, but she must be smart to integrate herself into an established flock. Is she roosting and ranging with your flock?
  3. First time Chick mom

    2 or 3 behaviour questions

    I have an EE that is pretty aggressive as well. My other EE is as sweet as can be. I have a young flock of 6 (27 and 22 weeks) and my aggressive one is top chick. She will peck my legs when I sit in the run. I usually just pick her up and start petting her and she falls asleep, she rubs her...
  4. First time Chick mom

    Feed advice

    My routine, in the morning, I use feed pellets (balk of the diet), 2 cups), broccoli leaves/kale leaves from my garden, (about 10%) black oil sunflower seeds, soldier fly larva, scratch (just enough to keep them interested, maybe a half of a cup if that). Also, oregano, rosemary, thyme...
  5. First time Chick mom

    New here and new to chickens

    Welcome to the roost, glad you joined us. I just started in April of this year. Our stories sound similar, except I am on the outskirts of B-more (hun). LOL Your girls are adorable (human and chicks). :) Being new to chickens, this is a great place for information! It has helped me so much.
  6. First time Chick mom

    I'm knew

    Howdy and welcome to the group. Glad you found us. Us newbies, can always use more experienced chicken tenders. :)
  7. First time Chick mom

    Hello Everyone! We want to learn all We can about Our 7 wonderful girls.

    Glad you found us! I have 6 girls and like you, had to build a coop and run. Draddit TSC chick cuties. :lau We looked at a bunch of coops on YouTube and went through people comments on here. We paid special attention to "I wish I would have" and "I would change this", comments and decided to...
  8. First time Chick mom

    Pullets or cockerels?

    I think you are going to have crowing in your future. :)
  9. First time Chick mom

    Hello from the Starwars flock

    Hello and welcome to the roost. I just did the same pumpkin pecking with my chickens. It was fun to watch, though it took them a while to get the courage to approach it. Chewie is a cutie. :) I have 2 SLW pullets and just love them. So glad you decided to join!
  10. First time Chick mom

    Almost 12 weeks cockerel?

    OK, I am starting see the pattern. I did notice the females seem neater in appearance once the feathers came in and feathered out quicker. Thank you!
  11. First time Chick mom

    Almost 12 weeks cockerel?

    I think I understand it. My girls are not red, but burnt orange in that area as well in the rest of the body. Their tails had a more uniformness to them, while the cockerels did not. Thanks so much for answering my question.
  12. First time Chick mom

    Who’s the best looking for show/genetics?

    No help in this quarter, but fantastic looking roosters. Thank you for the pictures. Each so different, yet very beautiful.
  13. First time Chick mom

    Almost 12 weeks cockerel?

    Hi all, just out of curiosity, why do you think it is a cockerel? It looks just like two of my pullets (EE). Not saying I disagree. I have very limited experience, so would like to be able to identify between the two. Thanks!
  14. First time Chick mom

    What’s your magic chicken number?

    My magic number at the moment is 6 chickens. I started with 5 EEs and 3 turned out to be cockerels (I had to rehome). I didn't want my two girls to be lonely, so I got 2 BO and 2 SLW. All are young ( EEs are 24 weeks and BOs and SLWs are 19 weeks). Raised all from 2 days and thought...
  15. First time Chick mom

    Hi! Nice to meet you!

    I'm a little late, but welcome to the roost. I guess I'm central-east Maryland (AA Co), until I read this post, I never really thought about it before. LOL I look forward to having more Marylanders to welcome to the group. I wish much enjoyment and success with your flock.
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