Recent content by fieldandfaithhomesteading

  1. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    "Resting" Question

    This will be our 3rd year processing our own meat birds. In the past we have butchered them, then let them rest in a cooler of ice for 24-48 hours, then packaged them. This year due to some circumstances we have to approach the process differently. I was wondering if it is ok to butcher them...
  2. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    Hatching! Help!

    @KelseyBoxer @chicknquailmaster19 @AstroDuck So I moved everyone (4) quickly but gently to the brooder- added water and locked down quickly to give the last egg a chance since it had a tiny pip. Woke up this morning to a beautiful baby! We went 5/5 this hatch!! Thank you all for your help!!
  3. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    Hatching! Help!

    Thank you! So literally after I wrote that to you, I went get my kids up and came back and it hatched 😂😂😂 So now we have 4 babies!!
  4. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    Hatching! Help!

    @AstroDuck @chicknquailmaster19 As of this morning we now have 3 hatched. One still externally pipped. One with nothing. The 2 ducklings were hatched 2pm yesterday, 7pm yesterday and the 3rd 5am today. It’s crowded for them in the incubator and we have had the brooder all warmed up since 4pm...
  5. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    Hatching! Help!

    Yea that’s kind of what I was thinking I’ll leave it all alone until at LEAST tomorrow morning - I see things progressing with the others so they’re hopefully not far behind.
  6. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    Hatching! Help!

    I would say they all pipped within 5 hours of each other? I anticipate the others being shortly behind this guy.
  7. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    Hatching! Help!

    Our first out of five eggs has hatched! Duckling looks healthy. 3 other eggs are also externally pipped (I noticed all within a few hours of each other). How long do I leave this one in the incubator (still needs to fluff up) and then what do I do about the others? Thanks!!!
  8. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    Concern for my Drake

    Omgosh I’m so sorry! I just uploaded them again and I think it worked! And thank you for your advice, I was so nervous!
  9. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    Concern for my Drake

    Hey everyone. So we have 1 year old chickens & ducks. And 11 week old chicks & ducklings. The 1 year olds have been getting the same food since they were able to. We typically feed them the Dumore feed I’ll add as a pic, from Tractor Supply. We switched to our local feed store and the 2nd pic...
  10. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    On the fence about starting to assist...

    😂😂😂😂 He's totally judging me from up above 😂
  11. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    On the fence about starting to assist...

    I feel like it’s so unstable everywhere temp and general weather lately. We broke my Poppops golden rule of planting before Mother’s Day and lost 95% of our seedlings that were so healthy, to 2 nights of frost. So back to the drawing board with that. We kept the heat lamps out in our coop for...
  12. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    On the fence about starting to assist...

    Not yet- we’ve been having some AWFUL weather here lately- but I’m hoping to this weekend it’s going to be 75+ for a few days!!!! I really want to get them out!
  13. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    On the fence about starting to assist...

    Oh I think I can handle that 😊 I have a hard time leaving the brooder box I could just watch them all day!!!!
  14. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    On the fence about starting to assist...

    So Chewie is the product of all our blue runners. But the other 2 we didn’t care what color as long as they were runners....with that being said, cupcake looks a light brown, and marbles looks very dark, just like Chewie. I’m super excited to see how they grow up!
  15. fieldandfaithhomesteading

    On the fence about starting to assist...

    @Miss Lydia @Isaac 0 Here they are! Chewie is on the far right, then Cupcake, then Marbles (my 3 year old loved naming them). So thankful they took to each other so well!!
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