Recent content by felidaet

  1. felidaet

    Anyone order from Farwest hatchery out of Oregon??

    I just found out about Farwest last night in Backyard Poultry. Their website looks good. They have the breeds I want and at good prices. But after reading through this thread I am having doubts about ordering from them. It would really be nice to buy local and at good prices. Maybe I better...
  2. felidaet

    The new chick raising box we made

    Looks good!
  3. felidaet

    eating too much??

    Since these are not meat birds I would leave feed available to the 24 x 7. They will eat when they need it. Yes their appetite will increase significently as they get older. I don't keep track of how much feed mine eat. I buy the feed in a 50 lb bag. It is much more economical than small...
  4. felidaet

    Medicated starter chick food - how long?

    It might vary by brand. I use Purina medicated Start & Grow. I feed this to them until they are about 18 weeks old. Then I buy 1 bag of Purina Flock Raiser (for about 20 chicks). When this is gone I then switch to Purina Layena Layer pellets.
  5. felidaet

    HELP!!! Older chick attacking new chicks!!!

    There may be too much of an age difference. I have had good luck mixing chicks up to 2 weeks difference. I tried mixing them at 3 weeks difference with mixed results. I think 4 weeks is too big of a difference. I would suggest separating the younger ones for a week or so until they get a...
  6. felidaet

    How much grit?

    I put a bowl of chick grit in the brooder after they are about a week old.The eat a lot for a day or two and then they slow down. I leave it in there all of the time one I give to to them. I never sprinkle it on the food.
  7. felidaet

    treats to give to chicks

    I don't give any treats until they are about 1 week old. The first treat I give them is crushed cheerios. The second threat is uncooked oatmeal (rolled oats). Just make sure that before you give them any treats that you give them CHICK grit. I put a bowl of it in the brooder a coupe of days...
  8. felidaet

    Chick "panting"....?

    With the black spots on the yellow chicks I am wondering if they are California Whites. I have not raised these in the past but I have been looking a pictures of them. And I saw some at a feed store a couple of weeks ago. I am hoping to get 2 or 3 of them this Friday if the feedstore does not...
  9. felidaet

    New Chicks... Help

    I am pretty sure that 1st chick is a Welsummer. I don't think it is an EE. Many breeds of chicks have that chipmunk look at first.
  10. felidaet

    getting chicks in two weeks..advice?!

    Newspaper is not good to use. It is slippery and can cause leg problems. You can find lots of threads saying not to use it. The shavings that you DON'T want to use is Ceder. Many people use pine shavings right away. Other people cover them for about a week with a couple of layers of paper...
  11. felidaet

    Can someone help me tell if one of my birds is a rooster?

    I would not get rid of it yet. It is really difficult to tell at this age. I agree that is is getting pretty red but that is no guarantee that it is a male or female. You can't always tell from the comb. One thing that I notice is that all the feathers are rounded. I don't see any pointy...
  12. felidaet

    Bedding for chicks?

    I use pine pellets. I like them much better than pine shavings. I cover them with paper towels for about the first week just to make them easier for the chicks to walk on but I don't know if it is necessary. Many of the feed stores around here put the chicks on the pine pellets without paper...
  13. felidaet

    My chicks wont eat the veg.

    The first treat I usually give my chicks is crushed cheerios. I sometimes give them uncooked oatmeal (rolled oats) also this age. I pour some in my hand and let them eat it out of my hand.
  14. felidaet


    I also used two sheets of OSB to build by brooder. I used 2" x 4" in the corners and along the bottom edge (under the brooder, not inside). I then used screws to put it all together. It is going to be difficult to attach the walls to the floor of the brooder without something like 2" x 4" of...
  15. felidaet

    Had to cull an EE chick this morning. :(

    Sorry to hear that you had to cull a chick. Looking at the pictures you did the right thing.
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