Recent content by featherbaby

  1. featherbaby

    What do you do for Eggbound hen?

    I have a silky hen, 2-3 years old. I believe she is egg bound. Abdomen is distended and palpatation indicates a harder mass like an egg that she seems unable to pass. She doesn't walk well, just sits. This has been going on for at least 24 hours. What can I do? I'm in Florida, so keeping her...
  2. featherbaby

    Silkie thread!

    Quote: Thank you! That's what I thought from trying to read as much as I can about my babies. We are getting my oldest son a SQ blue this Thursday & then hopefully a few other colors when we go to the swaps in October & January. (I am officially a LITTLE obsessed. lol...) This hasn't helped...
  3. featherbaby


    Quote: I highly recommend the Bent Creek Swap on the last Sunday of each month. Lots of different breeds to choose from. Get cages from cmom, she makes the BEST ones! What kinds of chickens do you have or want? What part of town do you live in? Bent Creek is on the Westside on 103rd street...
  4. featherbaby

    The DUMBEST thing I've ever heard somebody say about Chickens...READ!

    Quote: Dolly Parton was once asked if she was offended by blonde jokes. She said, "No, I'm not offended because I'm not stupid.......and I'm not blonde! " HAHAHAHAHA! I am actually blonde, but not stupid at all. I take blonde jokes as humor and laugh at them. I don't take them personally...
  5. featherbaby

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    I'm so sorry for your awful losses! I have Barbara's mug sitting in the windowsill above my sink and think of you all each time I see it. I came across a saying recently I'd like to share with you. "Life isn't what it should be. Life is what it is. It's what you do with it...
  6. featherbaby

    Self Blue (Lavender) Silkie Thread

    Riley10 your lavenders are magnificent!!!! Thanks for the recommendations. I only have one lavender and he's a roo. My other roo is a black/split lavender. I hope to have babies in the spring. I would love to have some lavender pullets like yours, WOW they are good looking!
  7. featherbaby

    Favorite Breed Poll

    Definitely Silkies! I just love these tiny little chicks in bunny suits!!!!!
  8. featherbaby

    Self Blue (Lavender) Silkie Thread

    Quote: May I ask who the breeder is? They are simply beautiful!!!!!!!! I have a black/split lav. roo (named Midnight) who is Mr.Personality! He will literally jump into my arms when I open the coop in the mornings. He loves to be held and petted. Isn't that crazy? I just love him. When I...
  9. featherbaby

    Any Floridians?

    Ya'll remember to come to the Bent Creek Show this Sunday (Aug.28) in Jacksonville! Hope to see you there!
  10. featherbaby


    Quote: I'll be there. I have a very nice SQ Splash Silkie Roo for sale. I'd love to keep and breed him but I have one roo too many and I have to let him go. He is a beauty!
  11. featherbaby

    Silkie thread!

    Quote: Handle them very gently, move slowly, no loud noises or sudden movements and feed treats from your hand. Chicks are naturally jumpy, that's nature helping them survive in the wild. After consistent handling and treating they come around very well.
  12. featherbaby

    Silkie thread!

    Quote: I would urge you to keep two if you can. Chickens are flock animals and very social, they do much better with companionship of their own kind than being alone.
  13. featherbaby

    How Can I Get Rid Of Roaches?

    Well, I have successfully made a "Redneck Roach Trap" that is completely safe. I have Cockatoos (3) and an Eclectus indoors and the roaches have been coming into their room from the deck outdoors. Needless to say, I can't use any poison around them, particularly one with any breathable vapor...
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