Recent content by fauna

  1. fauna

    Goose eggs and automatic turner

    I saw some apple holders from the produce section. They come in the box with apples. They work! I usually hand turn but will be out of town for 10 days and won't have a turner person. We'll see....
  2. fauna

    Goose eggs and automatic turner

    I do not have egg holders for my goose eggs. I know they do better laying on side. What has been used to hold them in place to use the autoamtic egg turner in my GQF incubator?
  3. fauna

    Fox got drake...

    A fox got my drake, the hen is still laying eggs. I am wondering I guess how early fertilization takes place actually
  4. fauna

    Fox got drake...

    How long will the hen's eggs be fertile?
  5. fauna

    Broody hen

    I have a hen that is 12 days into setting. It has become evident that another hen...(or 2?) is adding to the clutch. I was thinking of candling the eggs at night and taking tje less devoloped and then enclosing her in the nest area( dog igloo). Any ideas?
  6. fauna

    Egg Cartons

    Where do you all buy/find egg cartons for duck eggs?
  7. fauna

    What geese do I have?

    A farmer gave me 5 goslings and 7 adult geese. 2 grey, that I'm assuming are female Pilgrim geese. The other 5 are mostly white with dark eyes. 3 of these are protecting the goslings. We thought one was the goose and possibly the other two were ganders. The beaks of 3 whites are very...
  8. fauna

    Adding Geese to flock

    Thank you! How old were they when you processed? We have a friend who has some 50-70 adults around his pond. I think the catch is getting either the eggs or the goslings. I'm thinking night would be the best time. I'm not sure if I get a pair that she would go broody after the move.
  9. fauna

    Midget White

    Looking for Midget White tom in VA or WV. Possibly another hen or two also.
  10. fauna

    Adding Geese to flock

    I'm thinking of raising some geese this year to process. Looking for input of type and time to grow(pastured) to process. Are they like ducks and have pin feather windows? Thank you.
  11. fauna

    Turkey plucker

    We removed feet, but not necks. Thanks for the info. I had a hard time with neck removal until I figured it out.
  12. fauna

    Turkey plucker

    We used the Pro this past year. We did 100 turkeys 1 at a time. Yes we plucked the big feathers first. I get my family to help's a "mom" project...and am looking to make it easier for them. I love my Featherman Pro. We did birds from 15 to 30 lb. birds.
  13. fauna

    Turkey plucker

    Looking at purchasing larger plucker for turkeys. Featherman Pro will do 1. Possibly Featherman Pro xl. Any suggestions?
  14. fauna

    Dunker for turkeys not holding birds

    I bought a Stromberg dunker to help with processing turkeys. ( I have 55 more to do) They are often slipping out. They weigh about 20 lbs. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem? Stromberg's hasn't responded to my question.
  15. fauna

    Processing Turkeys

    I have a Stromberg dunker that I bought for doing turkeys. They often slipped out when we used it. Any modifications anyone has made to help with this? I have 55 more to do.
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