Recent content by farmland1

  1. F

    Chicken coop & Guinea coop. Recommended changes? Flooring?

    Thanks for the replies. What about the flooring of the guinea coop. It’s particle board. Can a predator chew thru it?
  2. F

    Chicken coop & Guinea coop. Recommended changes? Flooring?

    Thanks so much! This was really helpful. What about the door on the floor of the chicken coop. It’s held shut with only a thin rope and there are gaps. I was thinking of adding a plywood door on a hinge on the floor of the coop to ensure a predators can’t get in, but will that create an...
  3. F

    Chicken coop & Guinea coop. Recommended changes? Flooring?

    Hi, Pictures of our coops below. Please let me know what changes need to be made to make them predator and weather safe. Blue coop is for the chickens. Gray coop for guineas. We are painting the insides white and want to put down a waterproof/easy to clean flooring. Any suggestions on...
  4. F

    Guinea House Location?

    Yes, but I've been told that I need to take several months to train them before doing so. I was told to keep them in their new home for a few days. Then to let 2 out and put them back in at night. Then let out a different 2 the following day, etc, and slowly work up to letting all 8 out at...
  5. F

    Guinea House Location?

    Hello, Any advice on where to put a guinea house on our property? Are the guineas likely to stay located near the house? Do they hang out in the trees? We have hawks/owls. Is it best to locate the guinea house away from trees/house/barn where hawks could perch nearby waiting for opportunity...
  6. F

    Chicken Tractor Recommendations? Building plans? Omlet vs Farm Yard vs EggCartn

    Hello, I have 9 week old chicks. I'd like to get them out of the garage and safely grazing outside. Any recommendations for a chicken tractor.....plans or pre-made? Anyone have the Farm and Yard one?
  7. F

    Used coop for unvaccinated chickens. Marek's Disease risk?

    Thank you every one for your responses ! I chose to take a combination of the advice. I'm not going to take in the adult hens. Being a new chicken tender, I've got a lot to learn and I don't think I'm as ready to take on the disease or conflict risks as an experience tender. And if it turns...
  8. F

    Used coop for unvaccinated chickens. Marek's Disease risk?

    "All the Marek's vaccine does is prevent symptoms from showing until one day suddenly the chicken drops to the ground overwhelmed with viral load." I'm wondering if this is what happened to this seller's chicken. They said that one suddenly died one day of unknown causes.
  9. F

    Used coop for unvaccinated chickens. Marek's Disease risk?

    Thanks, The hatchery had actually discouraged giving them the Marek's vaccine and said that Mareks is really not a big risk in small family farms as long as they are not being exposed to others chickens. I am in the same situation. I have kids. They have already named all 5 hens. I do not...
  10. F

    Used coop for unvaccinated chickens. Marek's Disease risk?

    So would you take those adult hens in if you were in my shoes? I love the idea of having eggs immediately but I don't want to do it if I'll be putting my current charges at risk. what kind of natural bedding? Grass, leaves, etc? We were considering buying a chicken tractor too.
  11. F

    Need advise ASAP. Is taking in 5 hens from small family farm a bad idea? I have 5 hens 9 weeks old.

    New chicken owner. We have 5 Wyandotte hens 9 weeks old. Bought from hatchery. Healthy. They are not vaccinated for Mareks. We also have 8 Guinea keets but I was planning to house them separate. I need a coop for them ASAP and found a nice 2yr old used one for a great price. But I just...
  12. F

    Used coop for unvaccinated chickens. Marek's Disease risk?

    So I went to see that coop today and found out its a package comes with 5 chickens they need to re-home. 2 Silkies and I don't know what the other 3 are. They are all 2 years old and were purchased from a local breeder. I believe they were purchased as 1 day old chicks but I will...
  13. F

    Used coop for unvaccinated chickens. Marek's Disease risk?

    Ok. Thank you for the reply! I think this walk-in coop is my best option other than trying to build one ourselves...but that takes time we don't have right now.
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