Recent content by Farmerboy16

  1. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hi there! :welcome to all newbies! Been a while, hope everyone are all well! Times of change for me. Have 2 little girls now. Diana is 2, Darlene is 5 months! Time flies too fast! Got a new job that will help me provide better for my family, but the catch is that I no longer able to keep...
  2. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hi everyone! It's been a year since I had been here. Hope everyone are doing well. I still have the poultry, minus the peafowl. Too many to count, just butchered a turkey the other day, too many toms. Still have my cows, goats, sheep, and hogs. My daughter is almost 19 months old! Time flies too...
  3. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Good thing I thought I would check in this morning. It's been a while since I had bern here. I am so sorry about your mom. Prayers for you.
  4. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    This morning at work, my boss came up to me and said that he had seen a chicken wandering around my truck and roosting on the back axle of the truck. I had gone to work at 3:40 this am, and at that night the chicken had decided to roost on the axle of my truck, so I unknowingly drove the...
  5. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Welcome back TJ! And welcome to all the newbies! Well, looks like that we will be moving to Hesperia!!! We close on it in a week, but we won't move up there until we sell our place in Sparta, so we don't know when we will move. But, we can move most of our stuff there next week to get it ready...
  6. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Yes, we are selling our 5 acre farm in hope to buy a 31 1/2 acre farm in Hesperia. It's almost an hour north from here. We are waiting to hear if they will accept our offer. Praying praying that they will accept it! It will be a big change for all of us! We hope to put our farm on the market by...
  7. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Sparta FF&H have some chicks and duckings that are a few weeks old, and they are getting a fresh batch of chicks this Tuesday. I wanted to tap this year, but we are in the process of getting our place ready to sell, so I am too busy to tap. Super bummed about that. :(
  8. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I was on the news today! This was at my job. I am the one in the black bibs and green hoodie. :D
  9. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I am so sorry to hear of your troubles Opa. I will pray for you and your family.
  10. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    What a surprise to find at work this morning, to find a cow #6 had given birth to TRIPLETS! All are heifers! Very rare for that to happen, and my boss never had triplets born on his farm before in all of his 67 years of his life! Glad to be part of that. :D A normal holstein single birth calf...
  11. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Thanks for the congrats and for the welcome back everyone! I did missed being on here! LOL, Raz, you are so funny! Yeah, I might need a name change. I am no longer a spring rooster! I am 27 now! :old lol
  12. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hi everyone! Long time no see! Missed seeing all of my old friends on here. Welcome to all the newbies!!! :welcome Yes, I am still alive, and yes, I still have my chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, peafowl, and guineas! Plus my cattle, goats, sheep, and hogs! Life is busy! Most of you remember...
  13. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Googled it... Yup, its tapes. :barnie ....And it looks gross!
  14. Farmerboy16

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I forget what to use to treat for tapeworms on chickens? I had not had any tapeworm issues for years, and just saw a few droppings covered with tapeworm lavae. :sick Will have to treat everyone on the farm! :barnie
  15. Farmerboy16

    Rebuilding my Farm

    Yup, I find that Cattle Panels are the best kind of fencing to keep the goats in!
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