Recent content by Farmer76

  1. Farmer76

    4 laying hens need a new home- free

    Hello fellow Backyard Chickeners! My wife and I have a small flock of hens that need a new home. We have a four hens that lay eggs daily. Norah, a wyandotte. Stevie and Cleo who are hoth Araucanas, and Red, our Rhode Island Red. They have been together since birth, and are very happy and...
  2. Farmer76

    Show off your diy coop!

    OH NO! dealing with bears is a whole 'nuther animal lol pun intended
  3. Farmer76

    Broody hen won’t except baby chicks once she sees them!!!

    better call chickie protective services! you got yourself a deadbeat mom on your hands! haha they can walk you through filing for chickie support
  4. Farmer76

    Comment by 'Farmer76' in article '-NEEDS EDIT- Lean-To Coop'

    OhZark Biddies ....I can imagine William Quantrill and his Bushwhackers hiding out in there! hahaha
  5. Farmer76

    Show off your diy coop!

    that looks very well thought out! Do you have an image of the plans? Also, is that electric line around the perimeter to ward off critters? I'm guessing you've had some predators try and get in there eh?
  6. Farmer76

    Show off your diy coop!

    So many awesome coops in here! man oh man....I gotta up my ladies coop game! hahaha
  7. Farmer76

    Hot weather help!

    thank you for the good tips!!!☝️
  8. Farmer76

    Show off your diy coop!

    that is a pretty awesome setup!
  9. Farmer76

    Our “coop de-ville” build from start to present

    I Love it! It looks just how I imagined it- trying to get that old Barn/20's general store seems to stay pretty cool inside but that is mostly because i insulated the roof with a thin membrane and tar paper between that under the steel. also its in a constant shade spot where it...
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