Recent content by Farmer Doc

  1. Farmer Doc

    Introducing goslings to the adult flock

    Sometimes it takes a bit for the to accept the new responsibility. We wait to let the goslings out until he starts protecting them from intruders - chickens, cows, and us. Once he shows that behavior it is usually ok to let the flock come together. Took about 5 days I think last year. We are...
  2. Farmer Doc

    2019 Gosling Hatch-A-Long

    We set 12 from or two White Chinese females on 3/30 and have 10 growing nicely. :fl We will see what comes of them in just a bit! Always exciting and nerve wracking to incubate!
  3. Farmer Doc

    Will a broody hen stop sitting?

    We had one get distracted this year by another's chicks but otherwise never had one just give up. It is the best way to go and leave them with her. You will enjoy the show watching her raise them up. We have a couple of great mamas and find it amazing every time!
  4. Farmer Doc

    Brooding: Inside or Outside?

    We only brood outside. In fact, there are 26 little friends out there right now! Brooder is in the pasture. Half screen, half clear solid wall. Open to the east so no weather come in. Screened half let's everyone socialize and watch the big chickens. MHP keeps everyone warm and cozy. (This...
  5. Farmer Doc

    Goose egg price!?!

    That certainly makes it not worth it then! Sorry to hear that. Conservatively speaking you could always sell them for twice the price of a dozen eggs even though they are worth much more. That would move them though.
  6. Farmer Doc

    Goose egg price!?!

    Are you allergic to waterfowl eggs? They differ from chicken eggs. Not sure how but we have a couple of customers who eat our duck eggs with no ill effects. One says it is a protein in the chicken egg that changes when cooked that causes the allergy. We use our goose eggs for baking so we do not...
  7. Farmer Doc

    How Many Have A Yardbird Plucker?

    We love our Yardbird! We got it on sale with a 10% off coupon. Man, worth every penny. We attributed the cost to the first year of birds and figured subsequent years were paid for. We do two birds at a time. Scald is critical to a good pluck. We also take the feet off before scalding - it has...
  8. Farmer Doc

    Best age/weight

    We process at 18-22 weeks and use them in all different cooking methods. Anyone over 12 months is for slow cooking or stewing. Our 24 fried chicken wings this evening sure were tasty -no left overs!
  9. Farmer Doc

    Where exactly is the jugular?

    Yes. We process two at a time - one in each cone. The loppers have to be kept sharp. I sharpen them about every dozen chickens with a hand held stone. I tried some different methods and this was my most comfortable space which led to it being the most efficient which is IMO best for the animal...
  10. Farmer Doc

    Where exactly is the jugular?

    We purchased and made a few different cones to have multiple sizes. The right sized cone make a big difference.
  11. Farmer Doc

    Where exactly is the jugular?

    We use the cone to calm and restrain them and then decapitate them with extremely sharp tree loppers - quick and clean. They do go through the death throws but they are typically contained with the right size cone and, if you want to be sure, a bungee across the top. Do what you feel you can do...
  12. Farmer Doc

    Metal or Plastic

    Plastic for us. We use the 7 pound hanging feeder pictured above and a regular just ove a gallon hanging waterer. Both are hung low in the outdoor brooder on chain extensions in the beginning and raised as the chicks grow. If a broody raises for us same hanging applies as we use a coop just for...
  13. Farmer Doc

    Cooling and cleaning during processing

    1. Cool water in the rinse out...sometimes a baggie of ice in the cavity then right in the fridge for 48-72 hours (bagged with a twist tie) until parted or vacuum sealed whole for the deep freeze. 2. Table and knives are wiped cleaned/sanitized after each two - just our routine. Drum plucker...
  14. Farmer Doc

    Duck meat

    Seared marinated duck breast in a cast iron skillet to about 140 degrees is awesome. Especially the 'Scovy! The whole family can't get enough. Now...the USDA says 170 degrees but that is too overdone for our taste! We also enjoy "boneless fried duck wings" from time to time to the delight of...
  15. Farmer Doc

    question about geese

    We raise a few geese for meat each year - and yes, they are easy to become attached to as a farm animal. They are full of personality! That being said, we like them on the farm. We have Chinese geese which are a good dual purpose breed for us. The eggs from them are plentiful for geese (99 our...
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